Dr.Tetsuro Kato

Japanese Citizen born in Morioka, Japan, January 1947

Poitical Scientist, Professor Emeritus from Hitotsubashi University

E-mail to: katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp



Morioka First High School, 1962-65

BA in Law, Tokyo University, 1970

PhD. in Law, Nagoya University, 1993


Career History

1980-2010 Professor of Political Science, Hitotsubashi University

2010- 17 Visiting Professor of Political Science, Waseda University


1970-78 Editor of The Ohtsuki-Shoten Publishers, Tokyo

1972-73 Guest graduate student of the Institute of Social Science, Berlin

1978-80 Research Assistant of Nagoya University, Department of Law

1980-82 Lecturer of Political Science, Hitotsubashi University,

Faculty of Social Sciences (Political Science)

1982-89 Associate Professor, Hitotsubashi University

1985 Visiting Scholar, The University of Essex, UK

1986-87 Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, USA(Fulbright scholarship)

1987-88 Visiting Scholar, Harvard University, USA(Harvard-Yenching-scholarship)

1989- Professor of Political Science, Hitotsubashi University

1996 Visiting Professor, Delhi University, INDIA

1998 Visiting Scholar, Berlin Humboldt University, GERMANY

1999 Visiting Professor, El Colegio de Mexico, Mexico, A.C.


1981- Annual Visiting Professor of Tokyo University, Kyoto

University, Nagoya University, Kyushu University, Ibaragi

University, Toyama University, Tokyo Women's University, etc.



(in English)

"A Preliminary Note on the State in Contemporary Japan,"Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies,Vol.16, No.1, 1984.

"Marxist Debates on the State in Post-war Japan"(with Fukuji Taguchi),Hosei Ronshu(A Journal of Law and Political Science),No.105(August 1985),Nagoya University.

"Is Japanese Capitalism Post-Fordist?"(with Rob Steven), Japanese Studies Center, Melbourne, 1991.

"The Age of "Japamerica"---Taking Japanese Development Seriously", Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies,Vol.21, No.1, 1989.

"Japanese Perception of the 1989 Eastern European Revolution",Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies,Vol.23, No.1, 1991

"Japanese Perceptions of the 1989 Eastern European Revolution", in Ian Neary ed.,War, Revolution & Japan, Japan Library, Sandgate 1993

"Is Japanese Management Post-Fordist?"(eds. with Rob Steven), Mado-sha,1993

"The Political Economy of Japanese KAROSHI(Death from Overwork)," Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, Vol.26, No.2, December 1994.

"Workaholism---It's not in the Blood", Look Japan, February 1995.

"Is Japanese Capitalism Post-Fordist?"(with Rob Steven), in Johann P.Arnason and Yoshio Sugimoto eds., Japanese Encounters With Postmodernity, Kegan Paul International, London and New York 1995.

"The Japanese Victims of Stalinist Terror in the USSR", in Hermann Weber hrsg., Jahrbuch fur Historische Kommunismus forshung 1998, Akademie Verlag, 1998 Berlin (original English Draft).

"From a Class Party to a National Party : Japanese communist party survives through the worldwide decline of communist parties", AMPO, Vol.29, No.2, March 2000,

"Japan in the 20th Century"(My Guest Lecture at El Coregio de Mexico,1999)
"Japanese Regulation and Governance in Restructuring: Ten Years after the 'Post-fordist Japan' Debate "( Paper presented to the International Conference "East Asian Modes of Development and Their Crises: Regulationist Approaches" ,Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, April 19-20, 2001) 
Japanese Political Economy in Restructuring: Lessons for Indian Development(in , Sushila Narsimhan & G.Balatchandirane eds., INDIA AND EAST ASIA: LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER, Manak, Delhi 2004)
Economic Restructuring and the Constitutional Politics in Japan, Paper presented to the 40 aniversario del Centro de Estudios de Asia y Africa de El Colegio de Mexico, Foro Cultural Mexico-Japon, Mexico City, Noviembre 10-17, 2004
"Japanese Social Sciences in Transition: new institutional and methodological constellation after the collapse of the Cold War System", Guest Lecture at the Annual Conference of the German Association of Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF) “Social Science Matters” from 10-12 November, 2006, Hamburg, Germany
“Embracing Affluence: Values and Politics in Postwar Japan", International Conference on India-Japan and Asia, Session II : Facing New Social Challenges, 26 September 2008, India International Centre, New Delhi, India
"Japan in Global Crisis", Sept.2, 2009, El Colegio de Mexico,Mexico City 

(in German)

"Der Neoetatismus im heutigen Japan", Prokla, Nr.77, 1987.

"Organisationstheorie Rosa Luxemburgs---Geburt und Scheitern der KPD-Satzung von 1919 als 'Dezentralisierte Assoziation'", Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies,No.24, No.1, 1992.

"Japanische Kuenstler und Wissenschaftler in Berlin am Ende der Weimarer Republik" (Mori-Ogai -Memorial Lecture, Dec.3.1998, only the resume and statistics)

"Biographische Anmerkungen zu den japanischen Opfern des stalinistischen Terrors in der UdSSR", in, Hermann Weber hrsg., Jahrbuch fuer Historische Kommunismusforschung 1998, Akademie Verlag, 1998 Berlin.


(in Spanish) 

Michiko Tanaka, KATO Tetsuro et.al.eds.(田中道子・加藤哲郎他編), Política y pensamiento político en Japón 1926-2012 (スペイン語『近現代日本政治資料集 1926-2012年』),Departmento de Publicaciones, México, El Colegio de México(メキシコ大学院大学出版会, 2014)

(in French)

"L'economie politique de karoshi japonais", Perspectives Asiatiques, Automne 1996, Paris.


(in Japanese, Books only)

From Social Hygiene to the Revolution---Letters and Articles of Dr,Teido Kunizaki, Keiso-Shobou,1976

The Renaissance of State Theory, Aoki-shoten,1986

Reading the Coming Japan (with Masanao Itoh et al),Roudou-junpousha, 1987

THe Age of Japamerica---Society and the State of Contemporary Japan, Kaden-sha,1988

The Changes of Consciousness in Postwar Japan, Iwanami-shoten, 1989

Socialism and the Principles of Organization, Mado-sha, 1989

The Eastern European Revolution and Socialism, Kaden-sha, 1989

The Crisis of Socialism and the Rebirth of Democracy, Kyouikusiryou-Shuppankai,1990

Global City Tokyo (with Naoki Yoshiwara et al),Aoki-shoten,1990

The World-view of Comintern, Aoki-shoten, 1991

The Short 20th Century(with Fukuji Taguchi et al), Kyouikusiryou-Shuppankai,1991

The Collapse of Soviet Union and Socialism, Kaden-sha, 1992

Society and the State, Iwanami-shoten, 1992

Changing Faces of Socialism (eds. with Ryuusuke Ohyabu), Sekai-shoin,1993

Is Japanese Management Post-Fordist? An International Debates (eds. with Rob Steven), Mado-sha, 1993

Contemporary Civil Society and the Company-state (with Hiroaki Hirata et al), Ochanomizu-shobo,1994

Reconstraction of Modern Political Science (eds. with Fukuji Taguchi et al), Aoki-shoten, 1994

The Japanese victims by the Stalinist Terrors in Moscow, Aoki-shoten, 1994

The Ergology of Nation States, Heibon-sha, 1994

Dr. Kunizaki Teido, A Biography, Keisou-shobou,1995

Rhythm and Stress in Contemporary Japan, Kadenーsha,1996

The Essence of Japanese History (with Toshio Araki et al), Yuhikaku,1997

Dictionary of Japanese History ( eds. with Keiji Nagahara et al), Iwanami Shoten, 1999

How was Antonio Gramsci Read in the World (eds.), Shakai-Hyoronsha, 2000
Beyond the 20th Century, Kaden-sha, 2001
The Tewentieth Century: Derams and Reality(eds. with Masao Watanabe), Sanryu-sha, 2002
Ousuke Shimazaki: An Autobiography (eds. with Sousuke Shimazaki), Heibon-sha, 2002
An Utopia to Cross over Border, Heibon-sha, 2002
The Origin of the Symbolic Emperor System : "Japan Plan" of the OSS in the 1942 USA, Heibon-sha, 2005
Shouwa History of Social Movements (eds. with Akira Ito & Manabu Inoue, Hakujun-sha, 2005)
The Age of the War of Information: Internet and Theater Politics, Kaden-sha,2007
The War of Information and Modern History: Another Route to the Japanese Constitution, Kaden-sha,2007
Political Science at the Age of Globallization, Houritsubunka-sha,2008
Japanese in Berlin at the Age of Weimar Republic, Iwanami-shoten, 2008
Border of the Nation State, Nippon Keizai Hyoron-sha,2010(eds.with Hajime ONO, Hikaru TANAKA & Takashi HORIE)
Democrary in Difference, Nippon Keizai Hyoron-sha,2010(eds.with Shinya IMAI & Nobuhiro KAMIYAMA)

矢吹晋・加藤哲郎・及川淳子『劉暁波と中国民主化の行方』{花伝社、2 011年4月)

加藤哲郎・井川充雄編『原子力と冷戦ーー日本とアジアの原発導入』花伝社、2013年3月) Atomic Power and the Cold War

加藤哲郎『日本の社会主義ーー原爆反対・原発推進の論理』(岩波現代全書、2013年12月) Socialism in Japan

『ゾルゲ事件ーー覆された神話』(平凡社新書、2014年3月)正誤表 Richard Sorge Case


International Conference Papers

'Marxist Debates on the State in Post-war Japan'(with Fukuji Taguchi), 13th IPSA World Conference, Paris 1985

'The Age of "Japamerica"', 1st Hitotsubashi International Conference, Tokyo 1988

'Is Japanese Capitalism Post-Fordist?'(with Rob Steven), 8th Conference of the New Zealand Society of Asian Studies, Christchurch 1990

'Japanese Perception of the 1989 Eastern European Revolution', 7th Australian Japanese Study Conference, Canbera, 1991, & 6th Conference of European Society of Japanese Studies, Berlin 1991

'Organisationstheorie Rosa Ruxumburgs', Tokyo International Symposium of Roza Luxemburg, Tokyo 1992

"The Political Economy of Japanese KAROSHI", 16th IPSA World Conference, Berlin 1994,International Conference of Shanghai University of Shanghai 1993, and Japanese-Korean Exchange Conference of Seoul 1993

"The Theory of Capital Accumulation by Rosa Luxumburg and The Contemporary Capitalist Globalization: Comment on Dr. Dae-Hwan Kim's Paper, " at the International Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Chicago, May 2, 1998.

"Japanische Kuenstler und Wissenschaftler in Berlin am Ende der Weimarer Republik" (Mori-Ogai -Memorial Lecture, Dec.3.1998, only the resume in German)

"Japan in the 20th Century"(My Guest Lecture at El Coregio dJapan at the end of the 20th Century (fin de siecle),1as.Jornadas Culturales de Japon,(22-24 May,2000. El Colegio de Mexico、メキシコ大学院大学第1回日本文化週間招待記念講演、2000年5月 22-24日)

Current Research

(1) Political Economy and Scientific Intelligence of Postwar Japan

(2) Japanese Victims by the Stalinist Purge in the USSR in the 1930s

(3) Japanese Intellectuals and Artists in Berlin at the end of Weimar Republic


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