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Tetsuro's International Exchange Center of
"Global Netizen College" !
invasion of Iraq begins, we, the undersigned citizens of many
countries, reaffirm our commitment to addressing international
conflicts through the rule of law and the United Nations. By joining
together across countries and continents, we have emerged as a new
force for peace. As we grieve for the victims of this war, we pledge
to redouble our efforts to put an end to the Bush Administration's
doctrine of pre-emptive attack and the reckless use of military
power. )
desire Peace and Justice for ever, Not Retaliation!
If You do also, Please go to
ZNN, Alter
Net, Z
The Nation,
Independent Media Center,
Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, my "Global
IMAGINE" page and Tokyo
What Do You Imagine Now?
Japanese Children Kidnapped By North Korea --We protest against North
Korea for inhumanity !

Expression of Gratitude
We, the Japanese citizens opposed to the participation
of the Japanese military forces
to the illegal attack on the people of Iraq by the
United States and Great Britain,
wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the Iraq
Ulama Committee
for having succeeded in liberating our five comrades.
We are also grateful to Aljazeera for having
transmitted faithfully our appeals to free our comrades,
and especially for enabling the families of the three
first hostages to appeal directly
to the people of Iraq showing their sorrow and plight
to the many viewers of Aljazeera.
We will continue to oppose the illegal, unjust and
destructive occupation of your great Country,
and put an end to the Japanese collusion with the
We affirm our solidarity with the people of Fallujia,
and demand the immediate lifting of the siege by the
forces of occupation,
and of the massacre of the citizens of this city
including women and children.
Message for Iraq
- On April 14, two Japanese freelance
journalists, Junpei Yasuda and
- Nobutaka Watanabe, were abducted in Iraq.
- Mr. Yasuda, a former reporter at a Japanese
daily, has opposed the
- American bombing risking his life, as is clear from
the fact that he
- joinedthe "Human Shield" in Iraq last February and
- Mr. Watanabe has acted against the dispatch of
Japan's Self Defense Forces
- ( SDF ) to Iraq, appealing specifically to the SDF
troops that
- theythemselves should oppose the dispatch.
- Those two people are not the member of JVJA, but
our friends.
- Japan Visual Journalists Association ( JVJA )
would like to make the point
- that they are important friends for Iraqipeople, as
well as the three Japanese kidnapped earlier.
- We have high hopes of that the five abducted
Japanese be released immediately.
- April 15, 2004
- Japan Visual Journalists Association (JVJA)
President Ryuichi Hirokawa
- E-mail to : mail@hiropress.net
AS the occupation of Iraq enters
its second year, the demands of the Iraqis grow clearer every day: an
immediate end to the Occupation and free elections, free for all
Iraqis to participate and free of US interference.
In the present situation, Iraqis
are hostage to the Occupying Forces. They are unable to meet and
organize freely and they are denied the right to shape their own
future. Furthermore, the political transition process proposed by the
US administration is designed to install a tame regime, friendly to
US interests and their continued presence inside Iraq.
We - the undersigned activists
for peace, religious leaders, intellectuals and academics, writers
and journalists, parliamentarians, trade unionists and citizens --
insist on the right of the Iraqis to be free of occupation and free
to decide the course of their own history.
We support the call for free
elections: free for all Iraqis to participate and free from
interference of the Occupying Forces.
We support the call of the
Jakarta Peace Consensus which was affirmed at the European Social
Forum in Paris in 2003 and at the Anti-War Assembly at the World
Social Forum in Mumbai in 2004 -- for an urgent and independent
Assembly of Iraqis, where all sectors of Iraqi society can freely
debate and propose the future shape of their State, completely free
of interference from the Occupying Forces. This can be the start of a
process of building the New Iraq, and a vital first step towards free
elections, democracy and sovereignty.
This Assembly must be held in
Iraq. However, if this possibility is denied by the Occupying Forces,
a Preparatory Conference must be convened outside Iraq.
We guarantee all our efforts to
protect the integrity and openness of such a meeting through our
support and presence.
We demand an end to the
Occupation and we support the Iraqi peoples right to sovereignty and
- The Japanese citizens opposed
to the participation of the Japanese Armed Forces
- in the occupation of Iraq who
send to Aljazeera their concern about the fate of the three
Japanese hostages,
- want to express their
heartfelt gratitude to Aljazeera
- for having reported their
plights including the voice of the families of the hostages.
- We are deeply moved by the
humanitarian act
- of the Association of Ulamah
of Iraq to convince the Saraya al-Mujahideen to release our
- We reaffirm our resolve to
convince our Government to retreat the Japanese Armed Forces from
- Now that the hostages have
been iberated, we can demand the retreat from Iraq of the Japanese
military Forces,
- not under outside pressure
but as an expression of the free will of the Japanese
- It goes without saying that
we will continue our fight to end the occupation of Iraq by
foreign Forces allied to the United States,
- which is causing so many
precious lives of the people of Iraq as well as the desacretion of
holy places.
Appeal to Saraya
- (This statement is being signed by a number of
Japanese groups and
- individuals and is being sent into various channels
so that it will
- reach right persons; please disseminate it. This
statement has been sent to Al-Jazeera).
- We, the Japanese citizens opposed to the
participation of the Japanese
- military forces to the illegal attack on the people
of Iraq by the
- United States and Great Britain, call upon Saraya
al-Mujahideen not to kill
- the three comrades who share with us the same
resolution to stop the
- Japanese collusion. We do not accept your terrorist
activities which only provide
- fuel to state terrorism, but we want you to know
that quite a number of
- Japanese citizens are also opposed to sending the
Japanese military to
- support the occupation of your Country. The three
Japanese under your
- control share with us this belief, and to kill them
will only create
- hatred against you among the well intentioned
citizens of Japan. We, Japanese
- citizens feel solidary with the people of Iraq. Be
patient, and give us
- time to convince our Government. We call upon your
patriotism to avoid
- breaking the historical friendship between the
Japanese and the Arab People.
Iraq Hostage crisis and Japanese
troops withdrawal
by Asian Peace Alliance
- Friends,
- As you may have known through
media, Arab satellite television station
- Al-Jazeera reported Thursday
night that an Iraqi group named Saraya
- al-Mujahideen took 3 young
Japanese civilians hostages, two men and one
- woman, and is demanding that
the Japanese Self-Defense Forces troops be
- withdrawn within three days
or else they would kill the hostages.
- We, Asian Peace
Alliance-Japan, has issued a statement stating our
- positionon this matter
(attached below). We wish that you would read, endorse, and
disseminate it.
- We urgently request friends
all over the world to join us in urging the
- Japanese government to
withdraw the Japanese troops from Iraq. We also
- ask you to issue your own
statement on this matter.
- In the past few months
Japanese peace movement has been concentrating on
- campaigns and demonstrations
all over the country to prevent the
- government’s deployment of
the Self-Defense Forces to Iraq as part of
- theU.S. war efforts. But
despite opposition by the majority of the Japanese
- people, the Koizumi
government carried its plan out and now stations
- fully armed ground troops in
a newly constructed base at Samawah in southern
- Iraq, ostensibly for
“humanitarian reconstruction aid.” The capture of
- the three Japanese civilians
came as a response to the Japanese
- government’s complicity with
the American war.
- This news shocked us as the
hostages all happen to be activists in peace
- movement opposing the
American war against Iraq. Many of us are their
- friends in peace activities.
Mr. Noriaki Imai, 18, belongs to a peace
- group Hokkaido Peace Net
working energetically in the ‘NO-DU Campaign,’
- a movement that exposes the
nuclear hazards wrought on the Iraqi people by
- the U.S. use of depleted
uranium (DU) weapons. This time, he was
- planning to visit hospitals
to investigate child cancer caused by DU weapons.
- Ms.Nahoko Takato, 34, has
been independently providing emergency support in
- Baghdad from last April. She
was supplying local children, particularly
- street children, with
blankets and clothes. Mr. Soichiro Koriyama, 32,
- is a freelance photographer
and journalist writing about the damage done to
- Iraqi people by U.S. bombing.
All of them are friends of Iraq people,
- but they were captured and
their lives are in peril because of the Koizumi
- government’s commitment to
the Bush Empire.
- The Japanese government,
though politically shocked, shows little
- concern about the fate of the
captured. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda
- told a news conference
Thursday night that the government is demanding the
- hostages' “immediate
release.” Fukuda added, “There is no reason to
- withdraw the SDF troops from
Iraq because the SDF personnel are carrying
- out humanitarian
activities.” On 9th noon, Prime Minister Junichiro
- Koizumi also announced “we
will not withdraw the troops. We should not yield to despicable
- Peace movement is quickly
responding. In 9th morning, demonstration by
- peace groups and civil people
held in front of the Lower House and prime
- minister’s official
residence, and 600 people gathered. They appealed
- that the three civilians were
a sacrificial victim of the Government’s
- policy of flattering the U.S.
and demanded that the Japanese Government
- immediately withdraw the
Self-Defense Forces to save the lives of the captured.
- Please send your message urging the Japanese
government to immediately
- withdraw the Japanese Self-Defense Forces troops
from Iraq:
- -Email to Prime
Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
- -Email to Mr.
Shigeru Ishiba (Director-General of the Defense Agency)
- -Email to
- Send your cc to
- Emergency Statement
Concerning the Hostage Situation in Iraq
- We Demand the Immediate
Withdrawal of Japanese Military Troops From Iraq
- and the Immediate Release of
the Hostages
- -----------------------------
- April 9, 2004
- Asia Peace Alliance
- On April 8, three Japanese
were taken hostage by a group of Iraqi
- resistance fighters, who are
threatening to kill them unless the
- Japanesemilitary troops
(Self-Defense Forces) are withdrawn from Iraq within
- three days. We are especially
shocked that the three are people who are
- against the Iraqi war, and
who have been working actively to stand on the side of the Iraqi
- This incident, coming after
the bombardment of the SDF encampment
- at Samawah, makes it clear
beyond any doubt that Japan has become an
- accomplice to the invasion of
Iraq and, like the USA, an enemy to the
- Iraqi people. On the 8th, the
Japanese government held a press conference on
- this incident. Chief Cabinet
Secretary Fukuda announced that the government
- would refuse to withdraw the
SDF, and that the ruling Liberal Democratic
- and Komei Parties supported
this refusal. U.S. Secretary of Defense
- Rumsfeld has praised this
stand as “appropriate.” To maintain their
- allegiance to the U.S. and to
save their political interests the members
- of the Koizumi government are
thus ready to coolly sacrifice the lives of
- the three young people. We
find this unforgivable.
- Asia Peace Alliance-Japan
once again demands that the government
- immediately withdraw the SDF
forces from Iraq. At the same time we
- appeal to the organization
that has taken these three hostages to recognize
- that Japan is not a
monolithic society, that many Japanese have been
- against the U.S. invasion of
Iraq and Japan’s support of it, and that
- the people who have been
taken hostage are also against the war and have
- been seeking to act on the
side of the Iraqi people. Do not take their lives!
- We believe in the possibility
of solidarity between the people of Iraq and the people of
- This situation is the direct
result of the Japanese government’s
- support for and participation
in the invasion of Iraq, and specifically
- of the dispatch of SDF troops
there. If the SDF had not been dispatched,
- this never would have
happened. This dispatch, besides trampling on the
- Japanese Constitution, has
made Japan a participant in the,
- under international law
illegal, U.S. invasion of Iraq.
- Moreover, from the end of
March this year all of Iraq has fallen
- into a state of war. The U.S.
military has surrounded the city of Falluja and
- launched a full-scale attack
on it supported by tanks and helicopters,
- and has even bombarded a
mosque, killing countless Iraqi people. The
- situation is turning into a
direct confrontation between the occupying forces and
- the vast majority of the
Iraqi people. The U.S. and its allies have now
- turned the whole of Iraq into
a war theater. To keep the SDF in Iraq in this
- situation is a clear
violation of the Iraq Special Measures Law, which
- the Koizumi government itself
made, that permits SDF operations only in
- areas that are not combat
zones. The Koizumi government’s claim that SDF
- dispatch is for humanitarian
support for reconstruction for the sake of
- Iraqi people is only a
smokescreen to hide the fact that it was
- militarily taking sides in
this war. The present incident, taken together with the
- SDF base-targeted bombardment
the previous day, has revealed this claim to
- be an empty fabrication for
domestic consumption. Of what possible use is
- it to the Iraqi people to
send troops with armored vehicles and heavy
- weapons to deliver water and
repair roads? NGO workers in Iraq warned time and
- again that dispatch of SDF
troops would make humanitarian work there
- more difficult. The present
incident has, unhappily, proved them right.
- We do not wish to save only
Japanese lives. Our hearts are pained
- by the deaths of the many
Iraqi people who would not have lost their lives
- hadnot the U.S. and its
allies invaded, and the people being killed and
- wounded now, every day. We
cannot forget that the SDF, as part of the
- U.S. occupation force, also
presents a threat to the lives of the Iraqi
- people.We demand the
withdrawal of the SDF in the hope that this will open
- the way for the withdrawal
of all the troops from other countries,
- and finally of the U.S.
military itself.
- We appeal to the Koizumi
government. The time to withdraw is now!
- Asia Peace Alliance-Japan
- Tel/Fax: +81-3- 5273- 8362
- Email:ppsg@jca.apc.org
- Withdraw the Japanese Self-Defense Forces from
Iraq immediately!
- Save three restrained civilians’ lives!
- April 8, 2004
- Hokkaido Peace Net
- Prime Minister Mr. Junichiro
- Three Japanese civilians were
captured by an Iraqi group named Saraya
- al-Mujahideen on April 8 in
Iraq. According to the media reports, the
- group issued a statement
saying that the three persons would be killed if
- Japan did not withdraw its
troops from the country within three-days. Mr.
- Noriaki Imai one of the three
persons in custody is a member of our Hokkaido
- Peace Net. Another, Ms. Naoko
Takato visited us to report on the current Iraqi
- people’s situation when she
returned to Hokkaido recently. If the
- Self-Defense Forces of Japan
had not been dispatched to Iraq, this
- situation would not have
happened. Now it is clear that in Iraq there is
- no "the non-combatant area"
which is the words repeatedly used by the
- Japanese government to
justify the dispatch of Japanese Self-Defense Forces to
- Iraq.(The law for troops
dispatch states that the Self-Defense Forces shall
- operate in non-combatant
area’ of Iraq.) The Government should take the
- responsibility for this
situation and withdraw the troops immediately as
- this was caused by its policy
of following in U.S.-British government's footsteps.
- At the press conference on
8th night, Chief Cabinet Secretary Fukuda
- said the Japanese government
was trying its best to investigate facts. We
- believe the top government
priority is not investigation, but immediately withdraw the
Self-Defense Forces.
- We strongly demand that
Japanese government immediately withdraw the
- Self-Defense Forces to save
the lives of the captured.
- Hokkaido Peace Net
- Mr. Kiyokazu Koshida +81-90-7519-1731(mobile)
- Ms. Hisako Nanao +81-70-5115-7037(mobile)
9th of April 2004
- Release the three Japanese hostages!
- Withdraw the Self Defense Force from Iraq
- by World Peace Now, Japan
- On 8th of April, a group of registers against the
occupation of Iraq captured
- three Japanese civilians. We deeply regret that the
worst ever thing that we could have imagined has happened.
- Those three Japanese civilians have been working
for Iraq people, especially
- for poor children and the victims of the depleted
uranium. They are against
- the occupation of Iraq and the dispatch of Japanese
Self Defense Force to
- Iraq. They are friends of Iraq people. We don’t
understand why they have to
- be captured and their lives threatened. It is such
a tragic affair.
- We strongly demand those who captured them not to
take their lives. The captives
- are the very people who try to stop the Japanese
government from committing more crimes.
- We of the Japanese peace movement promise to
continue our consistent efforts
- to end the occupation of Iraq and end Japanese
government involvement in the occupation of Iraq.
- We strongly demand the Prime Minister, Mr. Koizumi
Junichiro, to withdraw the
- SDF from Iraq immediately. He should already know
that sending the SDF to Iraq
- only undermines lives and dignity of people both in
Iraq and Japan. He should
- take the responsibility for his policy of being a
mere follower of George Bush.
- Save the precious life of everyone!
invasion of Iraq begins, we, the undersigned citizens of many
countries, reaffirm our commitment to addressing international
conflicts through the rule of law and the United Nations. By joining
together across countries and continents, we have emerged as a new
force for peace. As we grieve for the victims of this war, we pledge
to redouble our efforts to put an end to the Bush Administration's
doctrine of pre-emptive attack and the reckless use of military
power. )
Urgent Protest
Statement Opposing the Attack on Iraq and
Japan's Support Again from Concerned Scholars in Japan!

invasion of Iraq begins, we, the undersigned citizens of many
countries, reaffirm our commitment to addressing international
conflicts through the rule of law and the United Nations. By joining
together across countries and continents, we have emerged as a new
force for peace. As we grieve for the victims of this war, we pledge
to redouble our efforts to put an end to the Bush Administration's
doctrine of pre-emptive attack and the reckless use of military
power. )
desire Peace and Justice for ever, Not Retaliation!
If You do also, Please go to
ZNN, Alter
Net, Z
The Nation,
Independent Media Center,
Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, my "Global
IMAGINE" page and Tokyo
What Do You Imagine Now?
Japanese Children Kidnapped By North Korea --We protest against North
Korea for inhumanity !

June 1,2003
Evian G8 Summit Meeting will begin
soon. But why the only about 10 persons can decide the destiny of 6
billion people in this small village of our Globe?
April 5,
I have traveled in India and
Malaysia just from the beginning of the US-UK attack on Iraq through
yesterday. There were strong protest rallies against the US-UK
coalition attacks on Iraq. One photo impressed me. This is from the
top page of "New Straits Times," a quality business newspaper in
Kuala Lumpur, on April 2,2003. The explanation of picture said,
"Butchered in Babylon: Razzaq al-Khafaj weeps over the coffins of his
mother in Hilla. a town in the southem Iraqi province of Babylon.
Razzaq lost 15 members of his family, including six children, when
his car was bombed by coalition helicopters while fleeing the town of
al-Haidariyeh. The bodies of an Iraqi women and her child lie in a
coffin after the US bombed a residential quarter yesterday." The
title of this article was "Civilians
killed at checkpoint. Arab anger fuelled: Blow to hopes that Iraqis
would welcome invasion."
One of my British friends sent me a
statement, "NO TO SADAMU! NO TO
- This war is not about the brutality of
Saddam and his despotic regime.When
we were fighting to get rid of Saddam, the US and British
governments kept him in power. They armed him with the chemical
weapons that he used against us and the people of Halabja.
- This war is not about the liberation of
the Iraqi people. Killing and maiming
people in their tens of thousands and destroying their homes,
schools, hospitals and workplaces is a sick way of trying to
`liberate' them.
- This war is not about fighting
terrorism. Terrorism will only
increase as a result of this war. This war and its aftermath will
provide another grievance and another excuse for Islamic
terrorists to exploit for many years to come for their own
horrific and reactionary ends just as they have been doing with
the injustices against the Palestinian people.
- This war is not about Weapons of Mass
Destruction. The biggest stockpiles
of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons are held by the US and
British governments themselves. USA is the only state in the world
to have actually used nuclear weapons against hundreds of
thousands of innocent civilians. Twelve years of economic
sanctions have killed up to half a million people in Iraq, while
strengthening the regime of Saddam. Economic sanctions have been
one of the biggest Weapons of Mass Destruction.
- With this war, the US and British
governments are following their own inhuman political agenda.
This war is the pretext for the USA
to assert its unquestioning world supremacy as the biggest
military and economic power in the world at the cost of tens of
thousands of lives and mass destruction. The British government is
playing the role of a junior partner in this bloody campaign to
share in the spoils and strengthen its position vis-a-vis its
- The reactionary opposition groupings in
Iraq, the monarchists, Islamists, Kurdish nationalist gangs and
former army officers and secret service agents of the Iraqi
regime, are not the representatives of the Iraqi people.
They are warlords and self-appointed
rulers who already have a dark and bloody record of repression
against the people of Iraq and Iraqi Kurdistan. They are not the
`liberators' of the people of Iraq. They are, rather, the new
Iraqi Contras - armed and financed by the CIA and Pentagon and/or
various repressive regional states such as the Islamic regime in
Iran. A devastating war and the unleashing of these forces is the
grim future being planned by Bush and Blair for the Iraqi
- The people of Iraq do not want a bloody
war that will kill and maim hundreds
of thousands, destroy people's homes, strengthen terrorists,
nationalists, Islamists and other reactionary forces, and make
Iraqi people's struggle for freedom and civil liberties that much
harder. Genuine freedom in Iraq will only come when the people of
Iraq are able to conduct their struggles against the regime of
Saddam or any other repressive regime without the threat of war,
without the murderous economic sanctions and without intimidation
by US and British militarism.
- Stop playing with the lives of the Iraqi
people! No war!
- International Federation of Iraqi
Refugees (UK) (Contact Dashty Jamal: d.jamal@ukonline.co.uk 07734
- Middle East Centre for Women's Rights
(Contact Nadia Mahmoud nadia64uk@yahoo.com 07890 065933)
- Independent Women's Organisation in
Iraqi Kurdistan Committee to Defend Women's Rights in Iraqi
Kurdistan (Contact Sawsan Salim: sawsan.s@ukonline.co.uk 07748
- SUPPORT the "War Victims Solidarity
- My German friend, Dr. Jasim Ahmed, sent
his friends the following statement.
- Gegen den imperokapitalistischen
- Dieses Blatt ist lediglich ein kleiner
Beitrag zur Verbreitung des Verstaednisses fuer die Logik gegen
die Selbstverstaendlichkeit eines Krieges. Es ist weder ein Krieg
der Kulturen oder Religionen, noch ein Krieg fuer den Frieden, der
zur Zeit die Welt plagt, sondern ein Krieg um die Weltherrschaft
unter grober Miァachtung des V嗟kerrechts und zur Unterdr歡kung
anderer V嗟ker ミ ein imperokapitalistischer Krieg.
1. Dieser habgierige Krieg ist den USA
billliger als die freie Konkurrenz im Weltmarkt.
Der verlockende, angeblich schnell zu
erledigende High-Tech-Warfare ohne eigenen Verlust hat den Krieg
縢殤schenswerterメ gemacht als je zuvor ミ 縉nvermeidlicherメ,
縢ahrscheinlicherメ und den Menschen 綸er Weltメ zunehmend
annehmbarer, mit Zuhilfenahme von Medienkonzernen und verf獲schten
Propagandadossiers. (Nicht nur Diktatoren l殀en, sondern auch
andere Kreigstreiber).
2. Dieser Krieg bringt keinen Frieden
sondern parzelliert sich selbst, sein Schauplatz wird von der
sichtbaren 絎akroメ-Ebene auf eine
heimt歡kische 絎ikroメ-Ebene verschoben, zerstreut in kleine
bewegliche Schlachtfelder (sowohl von Terroristen als auch
Groァm劃hten) und so werden die Imperokapitalisten noch
kriegslustiger, aber auch der Kampf gegen sie mit terroristischen
Mitteln unkontrollerbarer. Dies geht auf Kosten friedlicher
3. Dieser Krieg dient der Wiederbelebung
des Kolonialisamus ミ dem Neokolonialismus
W撹rend in der Kolonialepoche diejenige
Kolonialmacht die Welt regierte, die die Ozeane zu kontrollieren
imstande war, ist nun der einzigen Supermacht unserer Zeit bewuァt
geworden, daァ, wem die Lufthoheit (All-Hoheit) 歟er alle Nationen
mittels Satellitenkrieg gelingt, dem geh嗷t die Welt. Der gerechte
Kampf der unterdr歡kten und gedem殳igten V嗟ker gegen diese
Supermacht und seine befreundeten Okkupationsregimes wird eine
terroristische Koalition zwischen den gerechten K確pfern und
religi嘖en oder politischen Fudamentalisten erm喩lichen. Dies wird
wiederum die Imperokapitalisten dazu treiben, auf Kosten der
friedlichen Nationen Kriege zu f殄ren und kolonial撹nliche
Okkupationen in ressourcenreichen Gebieten fortzusetzen.
3. Den Imperokapitalisten ist es leichter
geworden als je zuvor, mit ihren Medienmonopolverbunden
die Motive ihrer Handlungen und Kriege zu
vertuschen und deren Folgen zu besch嗜igen. Der Gestank des Kriegs
wird verdr穫gt, sein Ergebnis mediengerecht pr郭entiert. Krieg
wird in umenschlicher Art verherrlicht.
4. Der Fundamentalismus ist nicht dem
Islam ureigen
Die Konzentration der Kriege auf Regionen
mit lquellen, die verst較kt in 緤slamischen Gebietenメ vorkommen,
erweckt oft in Diskussionen den Verdacht, der Islam sei
terroristisch, sch殲e Fundamentalismus. Aber der Kampf gegen
Okkupation und Ausbeutung mit bewaffneten Mitteln gab es und gibt
es auch in anderen Regionen. Fundamentalismus und politischer
Terror gehen auch durch alle Religionen und politische Bewegungen.
Denn wer hat sonst Mahatma Gandhi ermordet? Ein
fundamentalistischer Hinduaktivist. Premierminister Itzak Rabin?
Ein zionistischer Siedlungsfanatiker. Premierministerin Indira
Gandhi? Und ihren Sohn, ebenfalls Premierminister? Und Martin
Luther King in den USA? Wer ver歟t Anschl拡e gegen rtzte, die in
den USA Abtreibung durchf殄ren? Im 歟rigen hatte auch die
englische Kolonialmacht die bewaffneten Freiheitk確pfer der
indischen Befreiungsbewegung juristisch als Terroristen deklariert
(die weiァ Gott keine Fundamentalisten waren, sondern um ihre
gerechte Freiheit k確pften).
5. Es stecken imperokapitalische Ziele
dahinter, wenn die einzige Supermacht sich von vornherein darauf
festgelgt hatte, Saddam mit Krieg zu entwaffnen.
Saddam ist ein widerlicher
Gewaltherrscher. Aber gab es und gibt es nicht genug Beispiele von
Diktaturen, die von den USA errichtet oder aufrechterhalten
wurden? Aber eine Aktion gegen Diktatur und
Menschenrechtverletzung muァte immer im Sinne des
Imperokapitalismus sein. Wo war sonst die Welt w撹rend der
Massent嗾ung und Menschenrechtverletzung in Bangladesh (1971),
Vietnam (60er, 70er Jahre), Ruanda, Chile und auch jetzt in vielen
Gebieten auァerhalb wirtschaftlich interessanter Gebiete?
Deshalb, arrgumentieren Sie, handeln Sie
gegen Terrorismus und sein Gegenst歡k, den Imperokapitalismus.
Boykottieren Sie Kreigstreiber und habgierige Weltm劃hte, meiden
Sie Waren aus deren H穫den. Wenn dies nicht m喩lich ist, 隔ァern
Sie sich kritisch 歟er sie, und wenn dies nicht m喩lich ist,
verachten Sie innerlich Kriegslust, Habgier, Fundamentalismus und
Diktatur in all ihren Formen und Tendenzen. Denn Verachtung und
Widerstand der Menschheit werden auf kurz oder lang bestimmt jeden
Diktator zugrunde richten, den Diktator einer Nation ebenso wie
globalmarktpolitische Diktatoren.
Dr. Jasim Ahmed, Greesgraben 25, 53359
March 20, 2003
Urgent Protest Statement
Opposing the Attack on Iraq and
Japan's Support
Again from Concerned Scholars in
- 1. We urge United States and Britain to
stop the military operation
- against Iraq immediately and return to
the Security Council of the
- United Nations to find the peaceful
- From all aspects of the affairs, the
Charter of the United Nations and
- related international laws cannot
legitimate this attack. Despite United
- States' claim of the self-defense right,
Iraqi threat is not
- well-founded so as to acquire an
international consensus over it. The
- chief UN weapon inspector, Mr. Blix
reported on March 7 that the
- inspection has proceeded despite all
limitations and needs a few months
- more before its completion. Even if
suspected weapons of
- mass-destruction remain in Iraq still,
their abolition should be pursued
- through a stepped-up inspection.
- In the meantime United States added the
dethroning of Hussein to her
- objectives. However, the military action
aiming an overthrow of
- government clearly violates the 2nd
Article 4th Clause of the UN
- Charter. We believe that criticism and
resistance of the people are the
- most effective and ever-lasting ways to
oppose the repressive
- dictatorship such as Hussein's in
- After resigning to pursue a fresh
resolution at the UN Security
- Council, US maintains that the UNSC
Resolution 1441 provides the mandate
- for the Iraq attack. However, Resolution
1441 prescribes that the UNSC
- decides the Iraqi's abolition of the
weapons on the grounds of the UN
- Inspection Mission. It does not entrust
one nation to attack Iraq on an
- arbitrary decision.
- In case such a military action is
permitted in the world,
- international order will decay into a
state of lawlessness, where power
- dominates reason, full of military
attacks and overthrows of governments.
- In case the UN admits such an arbitrary
action of US and Britain, the
- mission of the UN is spoiled and its
contribution to the world peace
- comes to an end. We ask the UN to keep
its position firmly on the base
- of the mutual understanding of all
nations of the world.
- 2. We protest against all inhumanities
during the war and demand the
- prohibition of nuclear weapons and other
large-scale destructive weapons.
- We are concerned deeply about the use of
the newest and large-scale
- weapons that supercede those used in the
Afghan War in this Iraqi
- attack. It's really ridiculous that a
war aiming the abolition of
- mass-destructive weapons is performed by
using similar, even more
- destructive weapons. This war brings
tragic deaths and injuries,
- famine, and environmental disaster to
Iraq. Such American-led violence
- will only intensify hatred and inspire
terror all over the world.
- We demand the UN to monitor the use of
mass-destructive weapons and
- other inhumanities during the war and
accuse responsible
- persons/organizations for them.
- Now, the glass-root protest against the
military actions is growing
- day by day in the whole world. This
protest emerges from the fear and
- anger against the war as well as against
the repressive dictatorship
- such as Hussein's in Iraq. We, the
signers of the statement, would like
- to stand with those in this world-wide
wave of the protesting people.
- 3. We strongly protest the Japanese
Government against her supporting
- attitude for the US's military action.
We urge the Government to stop
- immediately any actions that may be
related to the war.
- The support for US's attack violates
also the Constitution of Japan
- that renounces the war as the "means of
settling international
- disputes". Japanese government, so far
backing the US-Britain-Spain
- proposal in the UN Security Council,
immediately declared her support of
- the US, saying the US's military action
is legitimated by the 1441 and
- other Resolutions. But this decision of
the government has been never
- discussed in the Diet, to say nothing of
the approval. This offends the
- principle of parliament
- Therefore, we urge the Japanese
government to stop any actions that
- support the war, including the
operations of Aegis vessels on the Indian
- Ocean, and to refrain from any sharing
of the war expenses by the public
- fund.
- March 19, 2003
- ***********************************
- We are the group of researchers of
social sciences and humanities in
- Japan that published the following
Anti-War opinion on THE ASAHI
- SHIMBUN, February 27, and the MAINICHI
SHIMBUN, March 4, with the names
- of 1,473 signers.
- We hope you understand our wish for the
- The United States is preparing to invade
- (1) If the people of the world cannot
stop this attack, international
- order will decay into a state of
lawlessness, where power dominates reason.
- (2) Military action by the US and her
allies will bring tragic deaths
- and injuries, famine, and environmental
disaster to Iraq. Such
- American-led violence will only
intensify hatred and inspire terror all
- over the world.
- (3) Most Japanese people wish for a
peaceful solution to this conflict.
- As researchers in social sciences and
humanities in Japan, we strongly
- urge the Government to respect the
wishes of the Japanese people by not
- supporting military action in Iraq by
the US and her allies.
- Akama Michio (Ehime Univ.), Fukamachi
Ikuya (Kyushu Univ., em.),
- Fukudome Hisao (Kyushu Univ.), Iida
Hiroyasu (Teikyo Univ.), Imura
- Kiyoko (Keio Univ., em.), Ishii Kanji
(Tokyo Keizai Univ.), Ito
- Makoto, Ito Masanao (Univ. of Tokyo),
Kitahara Isamu (Keio Univ., em.),
- Kobayashi Noboru (Rikkyo Univ., em.),
Miyamoto Kenichi (Osaka City
- Univ., em.), Mizuta Hiroshi (Nagoya
Univ., em.), Mori Hideki (Nagoya
- Univ.), Morioka Koji (Kansai Univ.),
Nakatani Takeshi (Kobe Univ.),
- Nishikawa Masao (Senshu Univ.), Ouchi
Tsutomu (Univ. of Tokyo, em.),
- Okada Susumu (Tokyo University of
Foreign Studies., em.), Otani
- Teinosuke (Hosei Univ.), Shibagaki Kazuo
(Musashi Univ.), Tairako
- Tomonaga (Hitotsubashi Univ.), Tashiro
Yoichi (Yokohama National Univ.),
- Tsuruta Mitsuhiko (Chuo Univ.), Uehara
Nobuhiro (Shizuoka Univ., em.),
- Yagi Kiichiro (Kyoto Univ.), Yoshihara
Taisuke (Fukushima Univ.)
- 1,473 signers and 49 anonyumous
Appeal on Iraq by Scholars of Allied Occupation of Japan!
An Urgent Appeal from Students of
the Allied Occupation of Japan
The administration of U.S. President George
W. Bush has announced plans to occupy Iraq, following "pre-emptive"
military strikes, based on the so-called Japanese model -- the
post-World War II Allied occupation of Japan. As students of the
Japanese occupation, we protest this reckless and self-serving
misreading of history and strongly urge the U.S. government to
reconsider its ill-conceived project of war and occupation.
A careful look at the Japanese example
suggests many reasons why that experience is inapplicable to U.S.
plans for a post-invasion Iraq.
- The U.S.-led occupation of Japan
(1945-52) derived its legitimacy from a broad Allied consensus, as
expressed in the Potsdam Proclamation, issued by Britain and the
United States on July 26, 1945. Emperor Hirohito and the Japanese
government agreed to accept the Potsdam terms, surrender
unconditionally, and dismantle the Imperial armed forces. As a
result, during the six years and eight months of the Allied
presence, there were no armed clashes or serious incidents between
American military forces and the Japanese people. The occupation
was able to proceed peacefully and in a spirit of relative good
- The Allied army of occupation relied on
a staff composed largely of American civilian administrators who
induced democratic reform by working indirectly through already
existing governmental institutions and agencies. As a result, the
emperor, the Japanese government, and the people cooperated in
demilitarizing and democratizing the country.
- The framework proposed for a
post-invasion Iraq is radically different. There is no broad legal
or moral consensus for the Bush administration's Iraq project,
which is opposed by world opinion and by most of America's close
allies. An occupation probably would be carried out unilaterally
by U.S. armed forces acting solely on Washington's authority. It
is difficult to imagine Saddam Hussein doing a volte face and
cooperating with the American occupier, as did Emperor Hirohito.
Indeed, that is why President Bush is determined to overthrow the
Iraqi dictator. The destruction of Hussein's government, however,
may also preclude the possibility of a peaceful occupation.
- Japan's Asian neighbors, victims of
Japanese wartime aggression, supported the Allied occupation.
Some, such as China and the Philippines, also participated in the
Far Eastern Commission, the Allied policy-making body for
post-defeat Japan. Iraq's neighbors are Muslim societies sharing a
common Islamic culture and history. They are strongly against
American plans to topple Saddam Hussein and replace his government
with a pro-Western regime and will oppose even more fiercely the
presence of a large non-Muslim garrison force. Moreover, a U.S.
occupation may further inflame the Palestinian problem, making
peace in the Middle East difficult, if not impossible, to
- If U.S. plans for Iraq bear no
resemblance to the Japanese example, why, then, does the Bush
administration persist in such a spurious comparison? The Allied
occupation of Japan not only reformed the nation's political
institutions, insuring the rapid transition from militarism to
democracy, but revitalized the economy, laying the foundation for
Japan's emergence as an industrial superpower. At the same time,
however, it subordinated the new political system and Japan's
foreign policy to U.S. strategic interests in Asia, producing,
after the return of sovereignty, a long-term "subordinate
independence." This appears to be the real significance of the
Bush administration's disingenuous effort to resurrect the
"Japanese model." The current U.S. occupation project, as conveyed
by the media, appears to be a cynical attempt to justify
Washington's bellicose Iraq policy and promote its post-invasion
plans for the region.
- The success of an American military
occupation in Iraq is highly problematic. In Japan, the reform
program moved ahead relatively smoothly due to a prewar democratic
tradition, the absence of armed conflict, the maintenance of
internal social order, and the survival of governing institutions,
including the emperor. Iraq does not have a similar history of
democratic governance. U.S. plans to kill or overthrow Saddam
Hussein and place top Iraqi leaders on trial could lead to
protracted fighting and internal disorder. Even Iraqis who hate
Hussein may not welcome the destruction of their political and
social institutions. In a worst-case scenario, the American attack
is expected to kill or maim hundreds of thousands of civilians,
ruin the economy, and disrupt food delivery, health services, and
sanitation. Far from "democratizing" Iraq, U.S. military rule most
likely will intensify tribal, ethnic, and religious conflicts.
Lack of popular support and wartime control under conditions of
belligerency will necessitate continuing authoritarian
- Moreover, the Pentagon has recommended
the use of nuclear arms against Iraq in a battlefield emergency.
Contingency plans for the use of weapons of mass destruction mock
any suggestion of legitimacy for a "pre-emptive" war and
occupation and further erode America's claims to moral authority.
Remembering Japan's experience of atomic holocaust, we deplore
such thinking in the strongest possible terms.
- An occupation of Iraq seems destined to
fail for another reason. Whereas Japan possessed few natural
resources, Iraq has the world's second largest proven reserves of
petroleum. Iraqis may well conclude that the U.S. invasion and
occupation are designed mainly to gain unrestricted access to
their oil fields. Few are likely to collaborate with an occupation
authority that is believed to covet this prime resource for its
own use.
- American occupying forces will encounter
yet another obstacle. U.S. policy planning for postwar Japan began
three years before the defeat. Thousands of Americans studied
Japan's history and language and, in the last year of the war,
underwent intensive training in civil administration. The
occupation succeeded due in part to the detailed knowledge these
administrative experts acquired about Japan's social and political
institutions and culture. There is no evidence that the United
States is now preparing a similar group of dedicated experts or
developing comparable post-invasion policies consonant with Iraq's
history, political system, and culture.
- Another striking difference is the
preponderant role played by General Douglas MacArthur in effecting
a positive outcome. The charismatic Allied Supreme Commander had
an understanding of Japan's history and cultural traditions. He
earned the respect of ordinary people, enabling him to wield
enormous civil authority effectively and implement liberal reforms
quickly. MacArthur also attempted to propagate Christianity in
hopes that Japan would become a Christian nation, but not even he
was able to challenge traditional religious beliefs. Despite
MacArthur's best efforts, the small Christian community failed to
grow during the occupation.
- We see no military figure of comparable
moral or intellectual stature in the United States today. With or
without such an individual, however, it is absurd to imagine that
an American military occupation can, in a short period of time,
win the confidence and cooperation of the Iraqi people, bridge
ethnic and religious differences, overhaul their national
institutions, and bring about a change in thinking based on
American political values and ideological beliefs.
- Japan has a special obligation to warn
its American ally against such folly. Yet, instead of offering
wise counsel, the Japanese government is at work on a new law that
will skirt the Constitution's war-renouncing Article 9 and send
Self-Defense Forces to provide "humanitarian support" for American
soldiers and sailors in the Persian Gulf. We call on the Japanese
people and their elected representatives to remember Japan's own
tragic experience of war and occupation and to decide for
themselves the most appropriate way to assist the Iraqi people
- If history is not to repeat itself, we
who have lived through the horrors of this "century of war" have a
moral duty to transmit its painful lessons to those who inherit
the new century.
- As students of the Japanese occupation,
we believe that the Bush administration's plans for war and
occupation in Iraq are a historical mistake and strongly urge the
United States to seek a peaceful solution to the present
- January 24, 2003
- AWAYA Kentaro (Professor, St. Paul's
University, Japan)
- Hans H. BAERWALD (former Occupation
official, Professor Emeritus, UCLA, U.S.)
- Herbert P. BIX (Professor, Binghamton
University, U.S.)
- Bruce CUMINGS (Professor, University of
Chicago, U.S.)
- John W. DOWER (Professor, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, U.S.)
- Norma FIELD (Professor, University of
Chicago, U.S.)
- FURUKAWA Atsushi (Professor, Senshu
University, Japan)
- Andrew GORDON (Professor, Harvard
University, U.S.)
- Laura E. HEIN (Professor, Northwestern
University, U.S.)
- Glenn D. HOOK (Professor, University of
Sheffield, U.K.)
- HOSOYA Masahiro (Professor, Doshisha
University, Japan)
- KOSEKI Shoichi (Professor, Dokkyo
University, Japan)
- J. Victor KOSCHMANN (Professor, Cornell
University, U.S.)
- C. Douglas LUMMIS (Political scientist
and writer, Okinawa, Japan)
- Gavan MCCORMACK (Professor, Australian
National University, Australia)
- Richard M. MINEAR (Professor, University
of Massachusetts, U.S.)
- MIYAGI Etsujiro (Professor Emeritus,
Ryukyu University, Japan)
- Michael MOLASKY (Associate Professor,
University of Minnesota, U.S.)
- Joe B. MOORE (Professor, University of
Victoria, Canada)
- NAKAMURA Masanori (Professor Emeritus,
Hitotsubashi University, Japan)
- Robert RICKETTS (Professor, Wako
University, Japan)
- Mark SELDEN (Professor, Binghamton
University, U.S.)
- SODEI Rinjiro (Professor Emeritus, Hosei
University, Japan)
- TAKEMAE Eiji (Professor Emeritus, Tokyo
Keizai University, Japan)
- TANAKA Yoshiyuki (Professor, Hiroshima
Peace Research Institute, Japan)
- TOYOSHITA Narahiko (Professor, Kansei
Gakuin University, Japan)
- YUI Daizaburo (Professor, Tokyo
University, Japan)
- For more information, please contact
Robert Ricketts: uh8r-rckt@asahi-net.or.jp
Feb.10, 2003
World Economic
Forum vs. World
Social Forum, DAVOS
- ■Other
Eyes: Globalization and its effects seen by those who
- ■World
Social Forum Grows, Diversifies in Third Year
- ■More
than 100,000 expected at `anti-Davos' World Social Forum in
- ■India,
not Brazil, to Host Next Year's World Social Forum
- ■World
Social Forum: A Shout for Peace and Change
- ■World
Social Forum: A Not So Little Leap Forward
Jan.1, 2003
I began a new social movement, a
peaceful recovery
of Japanese children kidnapped by North Korea.
Please visit,
- ■"We Want Our
People Back! The Seven Individuals Protest Against North Korea's
Abduction of Japanese Citizens!".
- ■Tetsuro
Kato, "Concentration Camps in the USSR - Their Destructive Social
- ■Comparative
Analysis of Concentration Camps in Nazi Germany, the Former Soviet
Union and North Korea
- ■The
Chosun Journal: Informing, provoking, mobilizing consciences for
the sake of human rights in North Korea
- ■Amnesty
International Library
- ■Koreans
Kidnapped by North korea
- ■US
Department of State:Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea,
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices- 2000
- ■NKHR(Citizen's
Alliance for North Korean Human Rights)
- ■NK
- ■DPRKorea
Infobank:Pan-Pacific Economic Development Association of Korean
- ■Nknet(Network
for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights)
- ■NED(The
National Endowment for Democracy)
- ■Labor
in the USSR Is a Matter of Honor, Courage, and Heroism (An
International Gulag Net)
- ■Targeting
North Korea By Gregory Elich、
Their Home Isn't North Korea: Information and Resources on North
Korean Abduction of the Japanese
- ■Abduction
of the Japanese by North Korea in the English Media
About the War in Iraq,
- ■About
"United for Peace"
- ■United For Peace!
Stop the War in Iraq!
- ■Don't
Attack Iraq; Work Through the U.N. A joint campaign of
Progressive Portal and Global Exchange
- ■Health
Community Against the War
- ■Media Workers
- ■rooting
out evil! expanding the search for weapons of mass
- ■Edward
Said, "Immediate imperatives"
20, 2002
One year
later, we are still facing a new war to iraq!
- ■September
Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- ■No
War With Iraq
- ■Al
Ahram, "Israel, Iraq, And The US"
- ■World
Wide Peace Demonstration!
- ■U.S.
ANTI-WAR RALLIES photo gallery
- ■The Iraq Action
- "If we could shrink the earth's
population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the
existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something
like the following.
- There would be:
- 57 Asians
- 21 Europeans
- 14 from the Western Hemisphere, both
north and south
- 8 Africans
- 52 would be female
- 48 would be male
- 70 would be non-white
- 30 would be white
- 70 would be non-Christian
- 30 would be Christian
- 89 would be heterosexual
- 11 would be homosexual
- 6 people would possess 59% of the entire
world's wealth and
- all 6 would be from the United
- 80 would live in substandard
- 70 would be unable to read
- 50 would suffer from malnutrition
- 1 would be near death; 1 would be near
- 1 (yes, only 1) would have a college
- 1 would own a computer
- When one considers our world from such a
compressed perspective, the need for both acceptance,
understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent."
Imagine there's no Heaven it's
easy if you try
No Hell below us Above us only
Imagine all the people Living for
Imagine there's no countries It
isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for And no
religion too
Imagine all the people Living
life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm
not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us And
the world will live as one
imagine no possessions I wonder
if you can
No need for greed or hunger A
brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people Sharing
all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm
not the only one
- I hope someday you'll join
us And the world will be as one
For weak and for strong For
rich and the poor ones
The world is so
For black and for white For
yellow and red ones
Lets stop all the
From Happy Xmas(War is
Lyrics by John Lennon &
Yoko Ono
Jan.1, 2003
I began a new social movement, a peaceful
recovery of
Japanese children kidnapped by North Korea. Please see,"We Want Our People
Back! The Seven Individuals Protest Against North Korea's Abduction
of Japanese Citizens!"
20, 2002
One year
later, we are still facing a new war to iraq!
- ■September
Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows
- ■No
War With Iraq
- ■Al
Ahram, "Israel, Iraq, And The US"
- ■World
Wide Peace Demonstration!
- ■U.S.
ANTI-WAR RALLIES photo gallery
- ■The Iraq Action
Oct 1, 2002
I recommend
you to visit the sites below and sign the petition!
- ■Don't
Attack Iraq; Work Through the U.N. A joint campaign of Progressive
Portal and Global Exchange
- ■Americans
Against War With Iraq (AAWWI)
- ■Petition to
Congress"No War on Iraq"
- ■Health
Community Against the War Petition
- ■Media Workers
- ■ZNet
Open Letter to the UN Secretary General(ZNN、Z
- ■
How many people would die in an Iraqi War? By Michael
- ■A
Dangerous Game by RICHARD FALK
- ■Oiling
the Wheels of War by MICHAEL T. KLARE
- ■Congress
- ■Letters:
How 9/11 Changed Our Lives
- ■The
Mantra That Means This Time It's Serious by Robert Fisk
- ■Chomsky
replies about Avoiding American Crimes
- ■Drain
The Swamp And There Will Be No More Mosquitoes by Noam
- ■Anti-War
in Iraq 2002
- ■The
Case Against War by STEPHEN ZUNES
- ■The
Legacy of the Battle for Seattle by TOM HAYDEN
- ■The
Left and 9/11 by ADAM SHATZ
- ■Enemy
Aliens and American Freedoms by DAVID COLE
- ■An
Open Letter To America From Chilean Ariel Dorfman
- ■One
Year On A View From The Middle East by Robert Fisk
- ■What
Bush's "war on terror" is really about Arnove
Interviews Zinn
- ■This
War Is A Failure by John Pilger
- ■Doing
As The Romans Did by Tariq Ali
- ■Terrorism
Before and After 9-11 by Mark Selden
One year after 9.11, we can see
new possibilities of War and Internet politics.
- ■The
September 11 Digital Archive: Saving the Histories of September
- ■The
September 11 Web Archive
- ■One year later: September 11 and
the Internet
- ■Alter
Net Special: 9/11 One Year Later
- ■Albert
Interviews Chomsky on Iraq
- ■John
Pilger," Remembering 9/11"
- ■Ted
Rall,"The Truth About Sept. 11"
- ■
Robert Fisk,"Be Very Afraid Bush Productions is going into
- ■Lorraine
Adams,"Terrorism and the English Language"
- ■"Generation
Interrupted: High School Students On 9/11"
- ■Howard
Zinn,"Looking Back To See The Challenge Ahead"
- ■Howard
Zinn, "What War Looks Like"
- ■Marty
Jezer,"Patriotism and Dissent"
- ■John
Tirman,"One Year Later: Unintended Consequences of 9/11 and the
War on Terrorism"
- ■Katrina
vanden Heuvel ,"The Patriotism We Need Now "
- ■
Margolis ,"Poem: Driving To Nova Scotia On The Maine Turnpike Near
- ■♪Steven
Rosenfeld ,"Daily Life Interrupted: Prayers and
- ■♪Shari
Garn,"Send Me A Voice"
- ■Robert
F. Drinan,"The American Conscience Obscured"
- ■Mary
Kaldor ,"Containing Terrorism, Spreading Human Rights "
- ■
Goldstein,"Day of Attunement: Observing 9/11 The Jewish
- ■David
Corn," Impaired Intelligence"
- ■Norman
Solomon,"The Powell Trap -- Easing Us into War"
- ■Sandy
Zipp,"Casualties of Consensus"
- ■
Michelle Goldberg,"Flag-Draped Voyeurism"
- ■Marc
Cooper,"The "Maybe War" Faction"
- ■Jason
Vest.Coming Soon: "Total War" On the Middle East
- ■
Ireland,"Not So Fast"
- ■Anti-War
in Iraq 2002
- ■The
Case Against War by STEPHEN ZUNES
- ■The
Legacy of the Battle for Seattle by TOM HAYDEN
- ■The
Left and 9/11 by ADAM SHATZ
- ■Enemy
Aliens and American Freedoms by DAVID COLE
- ■An
Open Letter To America From Chilean Ariel Dorfman
- ■One
Year On A View From The Middle East by Robert Fisk
- ■What
Bush's "war on terror" is really about Arnove
Interviews Zinn
- ■This
War Is A Failure by John Pilger
- ■Doing
As The Romans Did by Tariq Ali
- ■Terrorism
Before and After 9-11 by Mark Selden,
- ■Edward
Said ,"Punishment by detail "
- ■Robert
Fisk," Return to Afghanistan: Families of the Disappeared Demand
- ■Gila
Svirsky, "Coalition of Women for Peace: From the Peace Front in
- ■
Corn,"Leaks and Lies"
- ■
Falk ,"The Rush to War"
- ■The
Nation,"Bubble Capitalism"
- ■Tom
Hayden,"Dying for Work"
- ■John
Nichols,"No Consensus on Iraq"
- ■Micah
L. Sifry ,"Greens at the Crossroads"
- ■David
Corn,"Cultural Treason?--The Right Targets Musician Steve
August 1, 2002
- ■Jeffrey
Chester & Gary O. Larson, " A 12-Step Program for Media
- ■Bill
Berkowitz, "AmeriSnitchn an era of heightened
surveillance" ("Neigborhood Watch" might mean the little old lady
next door is a government informant
- ■Chris
Fitzpatrick,"Paranoia over Privacy"
- ■
Corn ,"Bush and the Billionaire: How Insider Capitalism Benefited
- ■Bill
Berkowitz,"War Toys for Tots"
- ■The
Japan question Could the United States suffer as much as Japan
- ■Base21"Two Korean
girls killed by U.S. military vehicle"
July 15, 2002
will not stop to talk about the war, with following sites and
- ■
- ■Noam
Chomsky, A World Without War
- ■Noam
Chomsky, Questions On Israel」
- ■Justin
Podur interviews Noam Chomsky on Colombia , Cauca: Their Fate Lies
in Our Hands
- ■Noam
ChomskyTerror and Just Response、
- ■Chomsky
Interview by Dimitriadis Epaminondas、
- ■Edward
Said, One Way Street
- ■AN
AlterNet Editorial: Give it Back, Mr. President 、
- ■Paul
Krugman, The Insider Game
- ■Janet
McIntosh, What Have the 9/11 Investigators
- ■Debating
September 11
- ■
Emma Ruby-Sachs & Asa Pittman,Cartooning
Terror (good!)、
- ■Richard
Falk, The New Bush Doctrine
- ■What's
on Nuclear Power's Menu?
- ■Tai
Moses, Osama bin Laden: Now You See Him, Now You Don't
- ■John
Pilger, Wasted Freedom
May 15, 2002
met Mr. Paul Arenson, the webmaster of
Progressive. We have common idea
and the world wide network of peace
movements. We will exchange our new
link pages and connect our US-Japan netizen activities. Thank you
, Paul!
March 15, 2002
Now comes, a new version of
Joke Lecture,"World Ideologies Explained by Cows" , sent by "Jacob
& Lisa". It is "MONSANTO
February 20, 2002
I received the new eleventh
version of Special
Joke Lecture,"World Ideologies Explained by Cows" , sent by Lono, Oregon USA. It is named
"ENRONOMICS". US President G.W. Bush is now in East Asia and
recommend us the "American style
Competition" as "the global standard." But the "Enron scandal" showes us how the US
market is far from "Fair Competition!". Probably, the 2002
World Economic Forum(WEF) in New York City decided to make more
globalization of "Enronomic World" as a "Casino economy with
Mafioso States". Against such Manifest by Bankers and
billionaires, there was one more international confeence in Porto
Alegre, Brazil at the biginning of February. Some 80,000 people
from all over the world at the World Social Forum(WSF) insisted "Another
World is Possible." Please see the
following articles:
- ■Naomi
Klein, "Porto Alegre, Brazil: 'Bad Capitalist! No
- ■Mark
Weisbrot, "Two World Forums: Ideology vs.
Pragmatism? "
- ■Paul
Kingsnorth, "The end of the beginning?"
- ■
BlockToday, "Porto Alegre. Tomorrow ...?"
- ■
Norman Solomon, "The Porto Alegre Media Blackout"
- ■
Doug Henwood, " Listening In on the WEF"
- ■Walter
Truett Anderson, "The Anti-globalization Movement Changes Its
- ■
Noah Shachtman, "Hacktivists Stage Virtual Sit-In at WEF Web
- ■Jennifer
L. Pozner, "Whatever Happened to the Gender Gap?"
- ■
Hentoff, " FBI Knocking at Your Door"
- ■Todd
Gitlin , "Cranking the 'axis of evil' "
- ■Derrick
Ashong, " Patriotism as a National Decoy"
- ■Emergency:
Terrorism and War ZNet's highlighted essays organized by author
and focus
- ■Noam
Chomsky , Stephen R. Shalom Interviews
- ■
Parpart, "Japan the Asian Argentina?"
- ■Michael
Moore, "George W. in the Garden of Gethsemane"
- ■
Corn, "US Mis-strikes in Afghanistan: Accidents or Possible War
SLATER, "AFGHANISTAN: Emerging evidence of US
January 1, 2002
to the "Global IMAGINE!" page of my Netizen College since September
11th, 2001.
About Japanese sites
on proceeding terrorism and war, please see ★Masahiro
Morioka ,"How did Japanese Netizens Respond to the World Trade Center
Attack?" and ★"Tokyo
Progressive." At the beginning of
the New Year 2002, I only send you two poems, or contemporary dreams.
Yes, I am a peace dreamer.
the Appeal to Restraint and a Call to Action in a Moment of Crisis!
Join Nobel peace laureates in sending a message to the United
Nations! (We are accepting signatures until December 31, 2001.
also SIGN THE PEACE PLEDGE to Stop the Spread of the War to Iraq
We desire Peace
and Justice for ever, Not Retaliation!
Urgent Appeal! Academic Freedom Statement
by American Scholars!
see! ★Patrick
Healy, "ON CAMPUS: Conservatives denounce dissent".★ Student
privacy under attack in US,★ Student
Gets Suspended For Wearing Clothes
Please sign, ★"CALL
, go to the ★Z
NET, ★Common Dreams
News Center,★Peace Protest
Perspectives on
Sept. 11,★The
Objective Center,★Concerned
Students for Peace and Justice,★Korean
Policy & Information Center for International Solidarity
(PICIS), ★Alter
- ★Afghanistan
has already been destroyed by bombs. No more killing!
- ★Kevin
Powell, "The Afghan Folio"
- ★"Osama
bin Laden, No where to run-no where to hide"
- ★Ryuichi
SAKAMOTO's "Non Violence" & "debris
of prayer"
- ★Steven
Lyons Peace Posters
- ★ A Peace
Flower from Korean
- ★Posters
for Peace: Respond to the September 11th tragedy!
- ★Tom
Tomorrow's cartoon "This Modern World"
- ★Al-Ahram
Weekly Online's Cartoon
- hear, ★"Chomsky
Talk at MIT" (audio),
- and pray with ★"Sol
Tierra Y Viento"!
Information about Missing Japanese in the USSR in the
What Do You Imagine Now?
Imagine there's no Heaven it's easy if you try
No Hell below us Above us only sky
Imagine all the people Living for today
Imagine there's no countries It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us And the world will live as one
imagine no possessions I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us And the world will be as one

Nov.15, 2001
About Japanese sites
on proceeding terrorism and war, please see ★Masahiro
Morioka ,"How did Japanese Netizens Respond to the World Trade Center
Attack?"(Nov.13, 2001) and
An important statement is, ★ International
Appeal of Nobel Prize Laureates, Poets, Philosophers, Intellectuals
Please see more:
- ■David
Price,"War without End"
- ■Edward
Said,"A vision to lift the spirit"
- ■Seiji
Yamada, "On The Responsibility of Health Workers to Oppose the
- ■Barbara
Ehrenreich,"Veiled Threat"
- ■Zoltan
- ■Schoolboy
politics : Bush hits the wrong note at the UN
ZINN , "Is This Really a 'Just War'?"
- ■Robert
Fisk, "What Will the Northern Alliance Do in Our Name
- ■Stephanie
Salter, "CNN (Becoming) a Shadow of Once-Great
- ■Pepe
Escobar, "The New Imperialism"
- ■"New Antiterrorism
Law May Affect Booksellers"
- ■David
- ■Dara
- ■Nucliear
Age Peace Foundation,
"Perspectives on Terrorist Attacks"
- ■John
- ■
Margolis, "A Quick Guide to Afghan Politics"
- ■Kaizer
Nyatsumba: This may turn out to be a pyrrhic victory
- ■George
Monbiot, "Blasting Our Way to Peace:The West's "victory" is a
defeat for civilisation"
- ■
Victories on the economic front
- ■Alouetter
Mayer, "7.5 Million Starving"
- ■Michael
Albert & Stephen R. Shalom, "More Q & A On Terror and
- ■
Bivens, "The Afghan Humanitarian Crisis"
- ■"Targeting
terror: SOA Watch protests this weekend will ask whether U.S. is
- ■Patrick
Healy,"Harvard scholar's '96 book becomes the word on
- ■
ALERT: Fox: Civilian Casualties Not News
- ■Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
- ■The
truth about the U.S. war on Afghanistan
- ■THE
Ground Zero"
- ■David
Held, "Violence and justice in a global age"
- ■Saskia
- ■Kristine
M. Holmgren、 Nightmare of Fascism Seems Too Real Since Sept.
- ■Tim
Wise, "The Validity of Anti-War Criticism"
- ■Don
Hazen, "The Belligerent Bunch: Rabid Journalists and Pundits Push
Bush to Extremes"
- ■Uwe
Parpart," Reconstructing Afghanistan - on oil and
gas "
- ■Katrina
vanden Heuvel & Joel Rogers, "What's Left? A New Life for
- ■Jordan
Green & Chris Kromm, "Is the US Training
- ■Norman
Solomon, A Sweet Message for Americans -- "We Are
- ■John
Pilger, "The truths they never tell us"
- ■Michelle
Chihara, "Tough Love"
- ■Noam
Chomsky, "September 11th and Its Aftermath: Where is the World
- ■Robert
Fisk, "We are the war criminals now"
- ■David
A. Love, "Military Tribunals Are a Threat to the
- ■
Martin, "US planned war in Afghanistan long before September
- ■Ted
Rall, "What Americans Can Learn from Afghans"
- ■Richard
Rapaport, "The American Taliban"
- ■Eric
Margolis, "America's New War: A Progress Report "
- ■"What
is Patriotism?"
- ■Tamara
Straus, "The War for Public Opinion"
- ■Norman
Solomon, "Noam Chomsky, Wartime Media Hero"
Nov.1, 2001
Petition of "9-11peace.org: An Eye for an Eye Leaves Us All
Blind!" has been already delivered.
After nearly 700,000 signatures, making it one of the largest online
petitions of all time, we have printed out and delivered the petition
to world leaders. It has been translated into over 20 languages and
has been covered by press worldwide. But the United States began to
attack Afghanistan. I call you non-violent peace actions from all
over the world!
received one
peace flower picture from a
Korean reader Son. Dug-soo'
s "Peace-Mother".
I will introduce the voices of:
- ★The
Peacemaker's Speak,
NGO Statement on the attacks on the US,
- ★International
- ★Noam
Chomsky interviewed by John Campbell,
- ★Immanuel
Wallerstein,"September 11, 2001 - Why?",
- ★Edward
W. Said,"The Clash of Ignorance",
- ★Richard
Falk ,"Defining a Just War",
- ★Danny
Schechter,"War of Words",
- ★Mary
Riddell, "Save the Children: The Most Potent Weapon in the West's
Arsenal is Aid, Not Armaments",
- ★Norman
Solomon ,"Killing Them Softly",
- ★Louis
Freedberg, "Tough Fight For Anti-War Movement : Why the Old
Formulas May Not Work This Time",
- ★Jonathan
Power,"An America Above the Law",
- ★M.
Albert and S. R. Shalom,"The War In Afghanistan: 47 Questions and
- ★Kenneth
Zapp,"The Naivete in Asking 'Why Do They Hate Us So
- ★Heather
Wokusch,"Facing the Enemy Within"
- ★George
Monbiot,"Gagging the Skeptics"
- ★Jim
Wallis,"Deny Them Their Victory"
- ★William
Raspberry,"'With Us or Against Us' is a False Dichotomy"
- ★Russell
Mokhiber and Robert Weissman, "Three Arguments Against the
- ★Rahul
Mahajan and Robert Jensen, "Hearts and Minds: Avoiding a New Cold
- ★Morten
Rostrup, 'Humanitarian' and 'Military' Don't Go
- ★William
D. Hartung ,"New War, Old Weapons"
- ★War
Resisters League,"War Is the Problem, Not the Solution
- ★Pax
- ★Victor
Navasky,"Profiles in Cowardice"
- ★Brigitte
H. Schulz,"Feeding Military Won't Make Us Safe"
- ★Stephen
F. Cohen,"Second Chance With Russia"
- ★Betsy
Leondar-Wright,"As Economy Tumbles, The Poor Will Suffer
- ★Norman
Solomon,"War and the Televised Greatness of George W.
- ★Mushahid
Hussain 'Anti-Americanism' Has Roots in U.S. Foreign
- ★Diana
Abu-Jaber,"Seeing Ourselves"
- ★Eric
Margolis,"The Use of Media as a Weapon"
- ★Jason
Burke,"Why This War Will Not Work"
- ★Mediachannel,
"World In Crisis, Media In Conflict"
- ★George
Monbiot, "America's Pipe Dream "
- ★Tom
Turnipseed, "War On The Poor And Working Class"
- ★Robert
Fisk ,"Obsession with bin Laden Crosses All Frontiers"
- ★Matt
Bivens, "Nuclear Power and Terrorism"
- ★John
Buell,"Weighing World Trade, Terrorism and Democracy
- ★Vincent
Browne, "Afghans the Victims of US Terrorism"
- ★Stephanie
Salter, "Good News -- Many Deplore Bombing Afghanistan"
- ★Korea
People's Rally : "Stop the War of Retaliation! No to Neo-liberal
- ★Towards
resisting post-terror 'terrorism'
- ★William
Greider, "Pro Patria, Pro Mundus? It's Time to Ask "Borderless"
Corporations:Which Side Are You On?"
- ★John
Pilger, "There is no war on terrorism"
- ★Rohini
- ★Sean
Healy,"The Empire wants war, not justice"
- ★Larry
- ★Andrew
Pollack, "Timesユ paints rosy picture of Afghani refugeesユ
situation while aid agencies predict mass
- ★Michael
Ratner and Jules Lobel, "Creating the Terrorists that Will Visit
Terror Upon Our Children: A Response to Richard Falk and His Magic
Bullet Fantasy"
BOUZID, " If the CIA Had Butted Out ..."
- ★Robert
Fisk, "Blame Someone Else: It is palpably evident that they are
not fleeing the Taliban but our bombs and missiles"
- ★Rameez
Rahman, "War in Afghanistan: Childrenユs perspective of the latest
imperialist venture"
- ★John
Nichols , "The USA PATRIOT Act"
- ★Jack
Newfield, "The Shame of Boxing"
- ★Don
Hazen, "10 Reasons to Stop Bombing Afghanistan"
- ★Steve
Lopez, "We Need People, Not Propaganda, to Sell America to the
World" 、
- ★Gary
Younge, "Peace by Precision: The Time Has Now Come for the
Anti-War Movement to Build Its Own Broad-based
- ★Robert
Kuttner, "After the War: The Big Questions"
- and one statement from Japanese
Korean and Japanese")
An Urgent Appeal from Japan's
Constitutional Scholars
October 9, 2001, Tokyo
With feelings of strong anger, we Japanese
constitutional scholars condemn the terrorist assaults of September
11. Our hearts and profound condolences go out to the more than 5,000
victims of those attacks, to their bereaved families, and to all
other affected people.
These terrorist attacks, which drew many jet
passengers and crew members into the destruction and killed a huge
number of citizens, were heinous acts of a kind never before seen,
and must be roundly condemned as international crimes against
However, we also feel a strong sense of
crisis over the mobilization of tens of thousands of soldiers for
military action led by America's Bush Administration, and the help
extended by Japan's Koizumi Cabinet.
Although the US government emphasizes that
this action is a response to "a new situation," the use of force
cannot avoid victims among the general public no matter how it is
restricted to military installations. This use of force is certain to
produce several million refugees and starvation victims, which will
be added to the more than 5 million already existing refugees.
Further, it will not only fail to dismantle the terrorist network
that spans the globe, but also presents the danger of provoking more
terrorism in response.
1. War in Retaliation Violates
International Law
The use of force in Afghanistan is an
illegal act with no basis in international law.
- 1) The United Nations Charter requires
that international disputes be resolved by peaceful means.
Further, it restricts the right of self-defense to the period of
time until the Security Council enacts the necessary measures, and
only in situations when having been, or currently being,
militarily attacked.
- 2) Security Council Resolution 1368,
adopted on September 12, "Expresses its readiness to take all
necessary steps to respond to the terrorist attacks," and stops at
confirming the member states' right of self-defense, but does not
authorize, request, or approve the use of force against any
certain group or state.
- 3) Furthermore, we should recall that in
1970 the UN General Assembly unanimously adopted Resolution 2625,
"Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning
Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with
the Charter of the United Nations," which imposed on members the
duty to refrain from retaliatory actions involving the use of
This use of force makes a mockery of the UN
Charter and other achievements of the long years of international
effort to bring about peace, and it spreads more apprehension
throughout 21st-century international society.
Terrorist Acts Must Be Punished as
International Crimes
If this wrongful, illegal use of force is
continued by the economically and militarily powerful countries
spearheaded by the US, it will only bring about an endless chain of
one violent act for another, and an expansion of violence.
To deal with these recent terrorists acts,
the use of force should be stopped immediately, the suspects
identified on the basis of evidence that they committed international
crimes, and taken into custody with the cooperation of international
society, then tried rigorously and impartially in international court
for crimes against humanity.
2. The Bill to Support US Forces
("Terrorism Control Support Bill") Will Let the Self-Defense Forces
Go to War
The bill's intent is to conduct "cooperation
and support activities" including supply, repairs, servicing, medical
care, and the transport of weapons, ammunition, and personnel, but
assuming that the use of force is impossible without such help, this
support is an essential part of military action, and is therefore
clearly participation in war. This would be the first participation
in the use of force by Japan's military apparatus in the postwar
years, and would clearly violate Article 9 of Japan's Constitution,
which states that "the Japanese people forever renounce... the threat
or use of force as a means of settling international disputes." If
passed, the bill would surely create a serious impediment to
strengthening peaceful relationships of trust between Japan and other
East Asian countries.
In addition, there are the following grave
constitutional questions about the bill.
- 1) The bill adds "foreign territory" to
the area where the Self-Defense Forces can act, making that area
in fact unlimited. SDF activities could be countries and regions
near war zones, which means they would be put on the front lines.
Even with the limitation that there would be no fighting in places
where the SDF go, in fact their activities there would necessarily
be integrated into combat actions.
- 2) The permissible use of weapons would
be widened to "defending the lives and physical safety of those
under one's charge," and the inclusion of wounded or ill US
soldiers would eliminate the distinction of other activities with
the use of force.
- 3) Action would be taken without advance
Diet approval, and only a post-action report would be forthcoming.
Thus, it is an attempt to create a precedent of sending the SDF to
war at the Cabinet's discretion.
- Further, the bill to amend the
Self-Defense Forces Act, which is not limited-term legislation,
presents the following issues.
- 4) The addition of new provisions for
having SDF units guard their own facilities plus those of US
forces in Japan, and for information-gathering activities,
significantly relaxes the requirements for using the SDF to
maintain public order, making it quite possible that the SDF could
unjustly infringe the citizens' basic human rights, including the
freedom of expression and assembly.
- 5) SDF use of weapons inside Japan would
be virtually unrestricted because the usage requirements, types of
weapons that may be used, and concerned geographical areas for
guarding and information gathering are excessively broad and
- 6) Divulging defense secrets would carry
significantly more serious criminal penalties than for divulging
other secrets, thereby giving things of military value greater
importance than those of civilian value, which runs counter to the
Japanese Constitution's basic principles.
We therefore oppose these bills.
3. The Urgent Importance of International
Cooperation and Help Based on Unarmed Pacifism
We feel compelled to point out that behind
this recent terrorist incident are the poverty and social disparity
that are becoming increasingly serious under globalization, and the
US-led military oppression against the strife that arises out of this
situation. It will be impossible to eradicate the worldwide breeding
ground for terrorism without surmounting this inequity and
Japan's Constitution declares that the
Japanese people "recognize that all peoples of the world have the
right to live in peace, free from fear and want," and "have
determined to preserve our security and existence, trusting in the
justice and faith of the peace-loving peoples of the world." The
Constitution also renounces war and the threat or use of force as a
means of settling international disputes, denies the state's right of
belligerency, and vows not to maintain war potential. World politics
has made it increasingly clear that staking out a position which
assures human peace without relying on military force is
unquestionably necessary if we are to ultimately eradicate terrorism
and achieve the "preservation of peace, and the banishment of tyranny
and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all time from the earth"
(Japanese Constitution) in our globalized world.
Sep.20, 2001
I also signed
Petition of the "9-11peace.org: An Eye for an Eye Leaves Us All
Blind," which says, "What follows is
a petition that will be forwarded to President Bush, and other world
leaders, urging them to avoid war as a response to the terrorist
attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon this week.
Please read it, sign below, and forward the link to as many people as
possible, as quickly as possible. We must circulate this quickly if
it is to have any effect at all, as the Congress of The United States
has already passed a resolution supporting any military action
President Bush deems appropriate". Please see not only Yahoo
News or CNN but also Independent
Media Center, Peace Protest
Ne, Alter
Net, Common Dreams
News Center, American Friends
Action Center, Concerned
Students for Peace and Justice,
The Nation,
Perspectives on
Institute for
Afghan Studies and GLOBAL PEACE
Sep.15, 2001
This Homepage
(the Japanese Toppage) recorded 200,000
accesses on September 15, 2001. Thank
you for your frequent visits. But it is just after the September 11th
tragedy of the NY-WTC buildings and the Pentagon. I hate Terrorism,
although I am against the US Imperialism and Militarism.
I will introduce you a small but cool voice
from the USA, the War Resisters League USA statement on the
bombing, which I received by e-mail
just after the tragedy. I signed the "CALL
- I'm writing this from home - the WRL
office email is down, but I was present when this statement was
drafted and said I'd take the text home to transmit at once. David
- As we write, Manhattan feels under
seige, with all bridges, tunnels, and subways closed, and tens of
thousands of people walking slowly north from Lower Manhattan. As
we sit in our offices here at War Resisters League, our most
immediate thoughts are of the hundreds, if not thousands, of New
Yorkers who have lost their lives in the collapse of the World
Trade Center. The day is clear, the sky is blue, but vast clouds
billow over the ruins where so many have died, including a great
many rescue workers who were there when the final collapse
- Of course we know our friends and
co-workers in Washington D.C. have similar thoughts about the
ordinary people who have been trapped in the parts of the Pentagon
which were also struck by a jet. And we think of the innocent
passengers on the hi-jacked jets who were carried to their doom on
- day.
- We do not know at this time from what
source the attack came. We do know that Yasser Arafat has
condemned the bombing. We hesitate to make an extended analysis
until more information is available but some things are clear. For
the Bush Administration to talk of spending hundreds of billions
on Star Wars is clearly the sham it was from the beginning, when
terrorism can so easily strike through more routine means.
- We urge Congress and George Bush that
whatever response or policy the U.S. develops it will be clear
that this nation will no longer target civilians, or accept any
policy by any nation which targets civilians. This would mean an
end to the sanctions against Iraq, which have caused the deaths of
hundreds of thousands of civilians. It would mean not only a
condemnation of terrorism by Palestinians but also the policy of
assassination against the Palestinian leadership by Israel, and
the ruthless repression of the Palestinian population and the
continuing occupation by Israel of the West Bank and Gaza.
- The policies of militarism pursued by
the United States have resulted in millions of deaths, from the
historic tragedy of the Indochina war, through the funding of
death squads in Central America and Colombia, to the sanctions and
air strikes against Iraq. This nation is the largest supplier of
"conventional weapons" in the world - and those weapons fuel the
starkest kind of terrorism from Indonesia to Africa. The early
policy of support for armed resistance in Afghanistan resulted in
the victory of the Taliban -and the creation of Osama Bin
- Other nations have also engaged in these
policies. We have, in years past, condemned the actions of the
Russian government in areas such as Chechnya, the violence on both
sides in the Middle East, and in the Balkans. But our nation must
take responsibility for its own actions. Up until now we have felt
safe within our borders. To wake on a clear cool day to find our
largest city under seige reminds us that in a violent world, none
are safe.
- Let us seek an end of the militarism
which has characterized this nation for decades. Let us seek a
world in which security is gained through
disarmament,international cooperation, and social justice - not
through escalation and retaliation. We condemn without reservation
attacks such as those which occured today, which strike at
thousands of civilians - may these profound tragedies remind us of
the impact U.S. policies have had on other civilians in other
lands. We are particularly aware of the fear which many people of
Middle Eastern descent, living in this country, may feel at this
time and urge special consideration for this community.
- We are one world. We shall live in a
state of fear and terror or we shall move toward a future in which
we seek peaceful alternatives to conflict and a more just
distribution of the world's resources. As we mourn the many lives
lost, our hearts call out for reconciliation, not revenge.
- This is not an official statement of the
War Resisters League but was drafted immediately after the tragic
events occured. Signed and issued by the staff and Executive
Committee of War Resisters Leauge in the national office,
September 11, 2001.
- Contact calls: WRL - 212 / 228.0450 also
David McReynolds, 212 / 674.7268
Sep.1, 2001
I am now in Finland, by my friend in Helsinki. In
Australia, I was by the grave of the late Rob Steven. In San Francisco, I searched for the documents of
Sadaichi but could only find an
sentence in "Encyclepedia of Japanese American History" (Checkmark
Books, 2001) . It says,
- Kenmotsu, Sadaichi(1900-unknown) labor
leader. Sadaichi Kenmotsu was one of the founders of Rafu Nihonjin
Rodo Kyokai (Los Angeles Japanese Workers' Association) in 1925.
This group attained a membership of 100 by 1930. Beginning in 1926
Kenmotsu published Kaikyu Sen (Class War) in San Francisco. The
newspaper became the Zaibei Rodo Shinbun (The Japanese Workers in
America) in 1928, the official organ of the Japanese Workers'
Association of America. On July 27, 1929, Kenmotsu was arrested at
a Communist Party anti-war demonstration in San Francisco and
turned over to immigration authorities. Although he survived this
episode, he was less fortunate on April 14, 1930, when he was
caught in a mass arrest of 108 at a strike meeting in El Centro,
California. Two months later, he was tried, convicted, sentenced
and set to be deported. He left for the Soviet Union on December
16, 1931, from San Francisco abroard a German ship. He studied at
Moscow Lenin School in 1933 and headed the Japanese Seaman's Club
in Vladivostok; his activities after this are unknown.
In Europe, I traveled some countries, but it
seems very hot this summer. I will soon return to Tokyo.
Wanted ! Information about KENMOTSU
Sadaichi in San Francisco from 1923 to 1932!
July 15,
I am now planning to make a round
trip of the world in this summer. At lease, I will visit Sydney to go
to the grave of Rob Steven. In the US, I would like to find the
documents of KENMOTSU
Sadaichi, who was the leader of
Japanese American workers movement in the 1920s in San Francisco,
went to the Soviet Union in 1932, but was arrested as a Japanese spy
in Moscow in 1938, and died in 1942 in the Concentration Camp
(lager). I have received a mail from the son of KENMOTSU Sadaichi,
Alan in Russia, who are now searching for any material related to his
father, because Alan knew the name of his Japanese father for the
first time in 1997, when he first asked the KGB for his real parents.
He was just a
missing Japanese in the USSR in the 1930s.
- from 3.30-5.30p.m.
- in the Council Chambers, The
Chancellery, Upper Campus.
- School of Politics and International
Relations, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences,
- The University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
[A Report from Sydney] On Tuesday 5
June, 2001, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School of
Politics and International Relations, UNSW, held a memorial tribute
to Prof. Rob
Steven. The tribute took the form of a party since Rob loved a party.
It was not however a joyous occasion but a time when people gathered
together to remember Rob and lament his
untimely passing.
The tribute brought together colleaques from across UNSW and other
universities as well as students. Some shared stories of times
together whilst other remembered Rob for his love of parties, intense
debate and enthusiasm for his work and students.
The faculty announced an annual symposium in Rob's honour to be
held around May/June each year. Details of the symposium are still to
be finalised but it is sure to be followed by participants continuing
their debate over a few beers or red wine just as Rob liked to do. He
is sorely missed.
★April 23, 2001★ It is my deep grief that
I have to inform the death of our Visiting Professor Dr. Rob
Steven. I have just received the sad
news from our common student Rowena Ward. She said,
- Dear Kato-sensei! It is with great
sadness that I notify you that Rob passed away peacefully in his
sleep last Wednesday (18/4/2001). The funeral will be tomorrow.
There will also be a memorial service at UNSW sometime soon. He
has asked that a donation be given in his memory to The Nelson
Mandela Children's Fund.
- I have sent my mail to his wife, Vanessa
Farrer. It says,
- It is with the profoundest grief that I
read the death of your husband, Dr. Rob Steven, in the mail from
our common student, Rowena Ward, and I would like to extend my
hearty sympathy.
- Since our first meeting in 1986, I have
always admired Rob's honesty and high standards of academic
conduct, and the courage he showed in his last illness, was only
what one would have expected from his uprightness.
- On April 19, just after the eternal
sleep of Rob Steven, I introduced his
last article on Japanese Capitalism to the attendants of International Conference on
East Asian Development at Tunghai University, Taiwan. When I
touched on the serious illness of the author (Rob Steven)
in my presentation, all of the
attendants, including Bob
Jessop (University of Lancaster ,
UK), Robert Boyer (CEPREMAP, France), Alan Smart(University of
Calgary, Canada) , Jenn-hwan Wang (Tunghai University, Taiwan),
expressed their heartfelt sympathy.
- I hope that it will help to console you
and your children to know that all of Japanese who came into
contact with Dr. Rob Steven will long cherish his memory.
April 1, 2001
The Toppage of my homepage received 160,000 hits yesterday. Thank
you for coming to my college! As I was very impressed by Rob
Steven's paper "Competing
Capitalisms and Contrasting Crises: Japanese and
Anglo-Capitalism," I myself wrote
a paper "
Regulation and Governance in Restructuring: Ten Years after the
'Post-fordist Japan' Debate, "
which will be presented to the International Conference "East
Asian Modes of Development and Their Crises: Regulationist
Approaches" (Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan, April 19-20,
2001). Since this is a only draft paper, I ask you your criticism
and comment, but please do not cite or use!
March 1, 2001
My lovely Mac Power Book G3 became out of order last month. To
repair it, it took three weeks without compensation. I could not
use my mobile computer during my travel. As Mr.
Dennis Seller writes in "Mac Central Online," Japanese users of
Apple portables face big problems. Yes, we need and demand better 'face to face'
services of Apple company!
February 15, 2001
What is Japanese Capitalism?
I here introduce a
draft paper of "Competing Capitalisms and Contrasting Crises:
Japanese and Anglo-Capitalism" by
my close friend Dr. Rob
Steven, an associate Professor of
the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. As Rob was
my co-editor of our book "An
International Debate: Is Japanese Management
Post-Fordism? (Tokyo: Madosha,
1992), and my co-author of the joint paper "Is Japanese Capitalism
Post-Fordist?"(in J.P.Arnason and Yoshio Sugimoto eds,
Japanese Encounters With
Postmodernity, Kegen Paul
International, London/New York 1995), I have nominated him
a visiting Professor of my "Global
Netizen Collage." He is now planning
to create an original idea to understand Japanese Capitalism in
comparison with Anglo-Capitalism and ask me a comment on
this draft paper is a very
interesting and important proposal to study Japanese Capitalism, I
here open
his draft paper and ask scholars all
over the world to give him your comments. Please send me (katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp) your comment on
paper. I will surely inform him your
opinions with my own advice.
January 10, 2001
is surely a miracle! As the regular readers of this homepage might
know, I am searching for my former classmates of THE
LEIPZIG for a long time. Today, I
got one e-mail from Dresden, Germany, and finally found one classmate
there after thirty years silence! I believe, it is a wounderful merit
of the internet that we can recall our old happy days through such a
miraculous meeting ! Thank you for your mail, Nina Koppehel in
Dresden! Our 21st Century has opened very fortunately!
January 1, 2001
Merry Christmas and A Happy New Century
from Tokyo! Looking forward to our
closer relations than in the past. I renewed the total arrangement of
my homepage from "KATO's Office" to "KATO's GLOBAL NETIZEN COLLEGE," since it became too heavy. This English Page is
renamed to the "Internatinal Exchange
Center" of My New "Global Netizen College."
What does it mean "Netizen" ? Of course, it means "Network
Citizen." I hope that this homepage could become a good forum for
"Netizens" from all over the world. At the same time, I changed my
name on web from "Tetsuro KATO" to "KATO
Tetsuro," family name first, according
to Japanese and East Asian custom. As the transfer of files was too
hard, I could not complete the remake of English pages. But for the
new 21 st Century, you will find a more voluminous and exciting
English Site from Tokyo. I only give you today, the new tenth version
Joke Lecture,"World Ideologies Explained by Cows" , sent by Lono, Oregon USA, although the Japanese
symbolic animal of new year 2001 is a snake.
December 1, 2000
I found my own lecture, Concentration Camps in the
USSR--- Their Destructive Social Impact (Lecture on North Korea,
1997) in internet, which was translated from Japanese.
November 15, 2000
Two months
after my appeal to the former classmates of the Herder Institute
Leipzig , I can not yet receive any information. But I will wait
a good news from somewhere in the world. Meanwhile I traveled another
side of the earth, three central Asian countries of the former USSR.
My visit to Tashkent(Uzbekistan), Bishkek(Kyrgyzstan) and
Almaty(Alma-Ata, Kazakhstan) was for the lectures on Japanese
politics at some universities there, organized by
the Japan Foundation.
As there are not many specialists on Japan, I have to give the basic
explanation of Japanese political system and its institutions. In all
three cities, I found the primitive figure of market economy, bazaar.
There were many sellers and buyers of foods, clothings and
mislcellaneous goods in a wide disorderly space, sometimes without
indication of price. The value of goods was fixed by personal
negotiation. It seemed of course an irrational process of
price-decision. Sometimes it took a long time. But an interesting
thing I found was that the long negotiation meant personal
communications, not a quarrel or a swindle. Buyers appealed their
conditions of everyday life and sellers considered the conditions as
a same community member. Even when the outsiders saw it strange, the
insiders of bazaar might have some common interest of mutual aids.
And I found it more important that the most of both sellers and
buyers were the same historical victims by the former Soviet system.
How should we understand such a
system as the Silk Road Bazaar? Now, I am glad to publish a new
version of the Special Joke Lecture,"World
Ideologies Explained by Cows(ver.9)", newly sent by Mr. (Ms.?) Lono, Oregon, USA. This new version
said, "RUSSIAN
CAPITALISM: You have two cows. The
Russian Mafia takes your milk and deposits it in a bank in Zurich.
You blame American capitalism." And more, very timely,
"AMERICAN DEMOCRACY: You have two cows. They hold a presidential
election. One cow votes for George W. Bush and one votes for Al Gore.
Bush claims victory. Gore claims the other cow really meant to vote
for him."
September 15, 2000
We are
calling to our classmates from all over the World of the October 1972
German language class of the Herder Institute
Leipzig (Lumumba Str. 4) in the former GDR , to send us your
e-mail address and informations of your life now!

We, Tetsuro KATO from Japan and Jasim Uddin AHMED from Bangladesh,
met in Bonn August 2000 after 28 years roommate of the Herder
dormitory, and talked about the meaning of our study at the Herder Institute
Leipzig in the GDR 1972 and of our "Sturm und Drang" life
Because the GDR itself has disappeared from the earth in 1991, we
have lost an opportunity to meet again except our personal
connections. As we recall the old happy days of our class with Herrn
Guenter and Frau Jacobeit, we would like to collect informations on
our classmates at the time and after, and to wish to realize an
alumni meeting someday in future.
We appeal to Nina Koppehel, Loba and Ludmila Bergmann from Russia,
Micha, Lala and Melovsky from former Jugoslavia, Sonya from Bulgaria,
Hastul(Nasrul?), Skirno, and Darvin from Indonesia, and to all other
friends of our class to send us your message to the following e-meil

Yours, Tetsuro Kato from
Japan (now in Tokyo, Japan)
- e-mail:katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp
- Jasim Uddin Ahmed from Bangladesh ( now in Rheinbach, Germany)
- e-mail: jaskar@t-online.de
September 1,2000
I was in
Berlin, Germany in August. Since the collapse of Berliner Wall,
the view of City Berlin has changed year by year. The Potsdamer
Platz is an exciting exibition of new architechtures and designs.
But there are some historical spots which have not changed. I
visited the Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum in Oranienburg, a
suburb of Berlin. There was a big Nazis Concentration Camp for the
Holocaust from 1936 to 1945. Over 200,000 people, mainly Jews,
were imprisoned here. At the top of the main gate, Hitler left a
slogan of "ARBEIT MACHT FREI (works make free)." In 1945, the
Sachsenhausen Camp was released and occupied by the Soviet Red
Army. Some Jews might be set free, but the camp itself remained
more. From 1945 to 1950, over 60,000 German citizens and political
activists were
imprisoned in
the Special Camp No.7 by the reason of anti-soviet and/or
anti-communist activities. Only after 1989, these double roles of
the Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp could be revealed. The slogan
was left still now,"ARBEIT MACHT FREI." Is it true that "work" is
the essential nature of human being and people can develop
themselves only by their "work"? Maybe, we should at least
distinguish "labor", "work" and "action," according to the
suggestion by Hannah Arendt. But how can we get free from the
myth of modern "Work-oriented Society"? For the 21st Century,
German people seem to prepare a new ideal of "Life-oriented
Society," by the abandonment of nuclear power plant, the revival
of little streams, and the use of LETS(Local Exchange Trading
Scheme). And in Japan? Is
Workaholism declining? Regretfully, I cannot believe it. We
have to change our life styles. We have to leave from the magic of
August 15,2000
Yes, I am
now in Berlin again. My impression this year will be soon up on
the web.
July 15, 2000
Next week,
the meeting of top leaders of world eight big countries (G8
Summit) will be held in Okinawa. You may get many news from
Okinawa in newspapers and TV programs. But there will be another
face of Okinawa. The people's summit for human rights and against
the US military base will be also held in Okinawa. I will
introduce some sites for understanding the reality of Okinawa.
About the official figure of G8 Summit, you will see
the "Japanese Prime
Minister Office" or
"The Okinawa
Times". On the Okinawa History, you can find many documents
"Okinawa, The American Years," About the present situation of
Okinawa, please see
Peace Cyber Cycle"
and "Save
the Dugong Foundation". You will also find
Alternative NGO Summit Meetings in Okinawa" and
International Forum for People's Security". Even in the USA,
you can see "THE
Okinawa Peace Network."
June 27,2000
Sorry for my
long silence. I had a short travel to Mexico City and Los Angeles.
As you may know, Japanese election for the Lower House was held on
June 25. The result was
"Ruling parties lose seats, but keep majority," Although the
Prime Minister Mori of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) was very
unpopular and lost many seats, the biggest opposition party,
Minshuto (Democratic Party of Japan) also did not gain enough
seats to form a new government. A critical point was the coalition
of the LDP with Komeito, a kind of religious party under
Soka-Gakkai, the nation's largest lay-Buddhist group. As Komeito
has now the casting vote both in the Upper and Lower Houses,
Japanese politics will be very unstable at the biginning of the
21st Century. One more point is the difference between urban and
rural constituencies. Although LDP won many seats in rural
constituencies, the urban voters supported more the opposition
parties. It reflects a conflict how to use the public expenditure.
More for rural infrastructure? more for the Information Technology
in urban area to develop restructuring of the economic system.
April 15, 2000
I got a new
Alaskan verson of the Special Joke
Lecture,"World Ideologies Explained by Cows" on Cubanism
(ver.8)". Thank you very much. In Japan, political situation
changed rapidly. Prime Minister Keizo Obuch falled into a half
Karoshi. Do you know the word
"Karoshi"? If not, please check the word
You can find 347 sites in English or German on this Japanese word.
The original Japanese means "Death from Overwork," mainly used for
workaholic business persons. But even the prime minister and/or
company tops sometimes fall in this national disease. I sometimes
receive questions from abroad on my article
Political Economy of Japanese KAROSHI(Death from Overwork),"
Hitotsubashi Journal of Social Studies, Vol.26, No.2,
December 1994,, and
not in the Blood", in, Look Japan, February 1995. Yes,
the situation have changed a little bit after the collapse of
Japanese bubble economy. The average working hours per year
decreased to 1,983, under the American average 2,005 in 1997. The
compensation system for karoshi victims has been reformed
by the new guideline of the Ministry of Labour. But now, the more
tragic cases. We have a new word "Karo-Jisatsu", the suicides by hard
(physical and mental) stress from overwork. You can find the
recent data from the
Hotline" National Network. Thus, the new prime minister Kirou
Mori had to have the stronger body. He was a rugby player.
Although he is a old friend of Obuchi since their campus life
together at Waseda University, his cabinet need the support by
the Koumei Party, a buddhist religious party. This
conservative coalition will keep the line of Obuchi until the next
general election, probably in June. But after the election, there
will surely happen the next change.
April 1, 2000
I present
one new English article here. It is an interview of
"From a Class Party to a National Party :
Japanese Communist Party Survives Through the Worldwide Decline of
Communist Parties" ( AMPO, Vol.29, No.2, March 2000, ) As you
probably know, "AMPO" is a famous radical English quarterly
journal published from the
PARC, Tokyo.
March 15, 2000
Yes, one
good news! I as a political scientist give you a new version of
the Special Joke Lecture,"World Ideologies
Explained by Cows (ver.7)", an Asian Pacific version made by
"Manachan." This
joke page became the most popular corner of my English Homepage. I
ask you again to send me your original version on "Mexican
Democracy," "Russian Feminism," "American Globalism," "Japanese
Ultra-Nationalism" etc. Please read and use
Japanese Constitution for your training of imagenation.
March 1, 2000
It is now
the season of entrance examination in Japan . As the Japanese
academic calender begin from April 1st, university professors are
very busy from January to March by the graduation papers,
graduation examinations and entrance examinations for
undergraduate and post-graduate courses. We have a discussion that
the academic calender should begin from September or October like
the USA and many other western countries. But the Japanese
conservative groups say always that the new academic year must
begin from the "season of cherry blossom." Of course, this is a
"new tradition" only after the Meiji education system. But we have
many such "traditions" formed under the Modern Emperor Systen. How
do you think about it?
January 1, 2000
A Happy New
Year! Dragon is the symbol animal of the new year 2000 in
traditional Japanese calender. But Japanese economy is still in
depression. Thus, it is not a rising dragon, but a sleeping and
sinking dragon. But Japanese people believe that the sun will rise
again in a new millenium.
Okinawa problem becomes acute in
Japan. By the US-Japan Security Treaty, US government has big
military bases in Okinawa islands. US government decided to move the
Futenma Base, very close to Naha City, to another place in Japan. But
no local self-government allowed to accept a new US-base in HONSHU
(main islands). Japanese government planned to move it to a more
peripheral area in Okinawa, the Nago city, where the 2000 Global G8
Summit will be held in this summer. The majority of Nago people do
not like to receive the US-base. But the LDP local politicians and
some business circles admit to exchange a new occupation of the USA
for the big financial support by Japanese government.
This is a typical style of developing countries when they receive
foreign military interference of advanced countries in exchange of
the ODA, a typical in the twentieth century. Okinawa is now the focus
of south-north problems in Japan, where all contradictions of
political economy are condensed.
December 24, 1999
Dear Friends,
With kind remembrance and best wishes for Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year! Yours sincerely, Tetsuro KATO, Tokyo, JAPAN
November 10
Sorry for my
long silence! As you know well, November 9th is the Tenth Anniversary
of the fall of "Berliner
Wall". I will
show here a journal which I bought in Berlin in this September. I
once wrote in my article
Perceptions of the 1989 Eastern European Revolution" , that the
1989 was surely the epock-making turning point of the world history.
Although there were many backlashes after 1989 in Germany, I still
believe that it was a civil revolution against "actually existed
socialism" in politically correct meaning. There were many unnamed
heroines and heros, and they truly changed the world in the "Short
Twentieth Century". But in my country, Japan, the government try to
celebrate on November 12th not the tenth anniversary of the end of
cold war, but the tenth anniversary of the New Emperor (TENNO) with
the national flag (HINOMARU) and the national song (KIMIGAYO) which
were just got into the law in this year. I do not like such a
nationalistic celemony. I will rather celebrate the November 9th with
all national flags in the world, blessing eternal peace for the next
Have you read
post-war Japanese Constitution?
The promulgate states, "We, the Japanese people, desire peace for
all time and deeply conscious of the high ideals controlling human
relationship, and we have determined to preserve our security and
existence, trusting in the justice and faith of the peace-loving
peoples of the world. We desire to occupy an honored place in an
international society striving for the preservation of peace, and the
banishment of tyranny and slavery, oppression and intolerance for all
time from the earth. We recognize that all peoples of the world have
the right to live in the peace, free from fear and want."
And the Article 9 says, "Aspiring sincerely to an international
peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever
renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use
of force as means of settling international disputes. In order to
accomplish the aim of the preceding paragraph, land, sea, and air
forces, as well as other war potential, will never be maintained. The
right of belligerency of the state will not be recognized".
September 10,1999
My Japanese
Homepage received 60,000 hits during my short stay in Germany. I
upload the new "KUWAITI ECONOMICS
" of the Special Joke Lecture, "World
Ideologies Explained by Cow (ver.6) which Mr. M.M. sent me.
Berlin is now a very exciting city where everything near the former
Berlin Wall is renewed and rebuilt. But one sad news is the removal
of the "Haus der Demokratie (house of Democracy)"
at Friedrich Strasse. This House was
a symbol of the 1989 DDR Revolution and has been long occupied by
many civic groups of radical, ecological and feminist movements in
Germany. But by the renewal of the metropolis Berlin, the owner of
this building purged the activists groups. Anyway, after 10 years of
the fall of Berliner Wall, Germany is rapidly changing. The politics
in Germany is also changing. But, in my country, Japan, the changes
seem slowly.
August 15
Today, we
celebrate the Second Anniversary of this Homepage. It means also the
54 years Memorial Day of the Defeat of Japanese Militarism, and the
Third Memorial Day of the Death Masao MARUYAMA, the most well-known
Japanese Political Scientist in postwar Japan. In these two years, my
Japanese Homepage received 57,500 accesses and became one of the
largest personal Homepage in Japanese political science! Thank you
for your frequent visits! As the gift to the Memorial Day(?), Ms.
Rowena Ward, My former graduate student now in Australia, sent me the
new enlarged version of the Special Joke
Lecture, "World Ideologies Explained by Cow (ver.5). Please enjoy
July 10
I came back to
Japan, and I am once more living in Tokyo. On June 20, my personal
computer in Mexico City became out of order. Thereafter, I could not
check your e-mails. Sorry for the delay of my responces. Now, I have
here another machine and ready for all questions. My next travel
abroad will be from August 25 to September 10, to Germany (mainly in
June 10
Thank you for
your 50,000 accesses to My Homepage! Especially, I am very glad to
have received the record here in Mexico-city, the world biggest city
in very exciting country! Although there are many problems like
traffic jam, smogy sky and dangerous taxies, I love Mexico very much,
because I found here many interesting people and many time-slip spots
to the ancient civilizations!
May 10
I am now in
Mexico City, the largest city with 20 million people in the world. I
am teaching here "Japan in the 20th
Century" as a visiting Professor of EL COLEGIO DE MEXICO. I will
stay here two months and show you some Mexican Reports.
The syllabus of my lecture is here.
April 26
My British
friend Prof. Bob Jessop visited Tokyo again yesterday. He gave us an
interesting lecture on the contemporary state theory, focusing not
only on "the Nation State" but also on "Changing States" at global,
regional and local levels. As he opens now
his own
Homepage at Lancaster University, UK, I make the link with it.
You can download there his recent works directly. Bob will come once
more to Japan in May. But I can not meet him then because I will stay
at El
Colegio de Mexico from May through
July. This page will be sent from Mexico by the next upload.
- January 15, 1999
One New
Year Present from somewhere in the world. I received a new
contribution on my Cowjoke page. I upload it here as the
Special Joke Lecture,"World Ideologies
Explained by Cow (ver.4)"
January 1, 1999
Merry Christmas and a Happy New
Year! As I was in Berlin December last year, I could not send you
my Christmas greeting. It was very cold in Berlin. The photo on the
right side is published on a local German newspaper, "Rheinbach
Stadtzeitung," between Bonn and Koeln, where my friend Dr. Jasim
Ahmed lives. Can you find a strange Japanese among German children?
Now, I am again in Tokyo and had a sunny Christmas. According to the
old Japanese calender (permanent circulation of twelve animals), the
new year 1999 is a year of rabbit. Thus, I put a rabbit on my top
page. Looking forward to our closer relations than in the past in New
My English Paper in this HP,
Japanese Victims of Stalinist Terror in the USSR", is translated
into German article
"Biographische Anmerkungen zu den japanischen Opfern des
stalinistischen Terrors in der UdSSR," in, Hermann Weber hrsg.,
"Jahrbuch fuer Historische Kommunismusforschung 1998", Akademie
Verlag, Berlin 1998 . I will soon upload here this German version.
December 20, 1998
I am again in
sunny Tokyo. My Homepage counter recorded 30,000 hits on December
16,1998. Thank you for your accesses!
December 10, 1998
I have a new
experience in Germany. On the 3rd December by the Mori-Ogai-Memorial
Haus of Berlin Humboldt University, I presented the Ogai Memorial
Lecture, titled "Japanese Artists and Intelectualls in Berlin at the
End of Weimar Republic." This was neither in Japanese nor in English,
but in German for the first time of my life. Thus, the right title
was "Japanische Kuenstler und Wissenschaftler in
Berlin am Ende der Weimarer Republik." I here upload only the resume
and some statistics of my lecture. I will
soon return to Japan after the 2 months research in Germany.
November 9, 1998
Today is the
memorial day of the fall of Berliner Wall. Now, the united Germany is
under the government of Red(SPD)-Green block. But we can see still
the scar of long time existance of the wall. The rate of unemployment
is very different between the former west and the east. And even at
university or within scholars, I sometime touch the old crack.
Anyway, we will soon pass away the "short 20th century" (E. Hobswaum)
and face the new era of the 21st century.
October 31, 1998
I am now
living in Berlin, Germany. It is very cold here but I enjoy myself
here as my second hometown. My E-mail address is the same as in
Japan. If you come to Germany, please call me 030-20931605, directly
to my room at the guesthaus of Berlin Humboldt University.
September 15, 1998
I just
returned from a travel in Europe, but once more visit Berlin from
October. I will stay at the guest house of Berlin Humboldt University
and keep this Homepage fresh from Germany.
August 15, 1998
Today is a
special memorial day for all Japanese. Yes, in 1945, Japan was
defeated in the World War . In 1996, we lost the most excellent
Japanese political scientist after 1945, Masao Maruyama. And one
more. On August 15, 1997, this homepage has opened. As the
celebration of one year anniversary of my homepage, I load the new
version of my special joke lecture "World
Ideologies Explained By Cows (ver. 3) for all the clients of this
page. I will see this next week from England by
Bob Jessop in Lancaster. Thank you for
your coming here, and see you again here!
July 6,1998
I was in Moscow
in June. It was very hot there, and during my stay in Russia, the
Japanese economy became the most troublesome factor in the world. My
Russian friend said that Japan and Russia are now the two weak points
in the global market system. Yes, yes, but, ……? I will travel from
August to September in Europe, and will stay in Berlin from October
to December as a visiting scholar of the Berlin Humboldt University.
I will try to maintain and upload my homepage from Germany.
May 24,1998
I upload here
my comment on the Dr . Kim 's (from South
Korea) paper at the Rosa Luxemburg International Conference in
Chicago, May 2. One more is the "Wanted" A
Memorandum of Mr. Virendranath Chattopadhyaya, an Indian
Independent fighter in the first half of the 20th Century. This is
only a memorandum about Chatto, but I am very interested in this
unknown revolutionary who was the husband of an American journalist,
Ms. Agness Smedley, in the 1920s. Please send me any information
about him.
May 14,1998
I add
one ideology of cow-jokes to the former
version. It is "Ecologism," which came from somewhere in the
April 25, 1998
My Homepage
counted just 10,000 accesses today. Thank you for all visiters to my
rooms. I will be in Chicago next week to attend the International
Rosa Luxemburg Symposium. I would like to see the reality of bubble
economy in the USA. Please send me your impressions of my Homepage.
April 1,1998
This is not an
April fool. My Homepage in the Japanese version has been drastically
renewed. For English readers, I made here the Index to the English
contents, and brought my former "What's New" monologues to the
"English Living Room."
March 1,1998
I here upload
my new English Paper,"The Japanese Victims of
Stalinist Terror in the USSR," which will be published in a
German book "Jahrbuch fur Historishe Kommunismusforshung 1998",
Mannheim forthcoming. This is my international search for the
informations of Japanese in the USSR in the 1930s.
Jan.27, 1998
My Friend Bob
Jessop of Lancaster University allowed me to upload his 3 essays on
my Homepage. The first is on Gramsci, the second is on "The Communist
Manifesto" and the third is his impression on Japan.
Here are his essays in the guest room.
Jan.1, 1998
A Happy New
Year! I just came back from Moscow. It was very cold, but my Russian
friends had warm hearts, although many of them could not adapt
themselves to the new bazaar market. I searched for the soviet secret
documents and found many new materials about the relationship between
the SU and Japan in the 1930s.
Dec.18, 1997
Christmas! Bob Jessop has just left Japan, and I will visit Moscow
tomorrow. As I will stay there until the end of this year, there
might be no update. I will experience the coldest Christmas in my
life in Moscow! For your Chiristmas Party, I will give you
my special lecture in "Political Science"
which I got from my friend in Australia (copyright is not known).
Have a nice holiday!
I received
one interesting comment by SARA HINES on my
KAROSHI paper from USA.
I here upload
my article "Japanese Perception of the 1989
Eastern European Revolution",Hitotsubashi Journal of Social
Studies,Vol.23, No.1, 1991.
I have bought
the new Epson scanner GT-5500 and can now upload my English papers.
Today, I show you two new papaers. The one is the discussion paper on
"JAPAMERICA" with Immanuel Wallerstein
when he came to Hitotsubashi in 1989, and the other is on
Japanese "Workaholism." I will scan
more English papers soon. Please wait!
Prof.Robert(Bob) Jessop of Lancaster University stays by me at
Hitotsubashi University from Oct.20 through Dec.18 with his Wife, Dr.
Ngai-Ling Sum. About Bob Jessop, please click
I was in
Seoul, South Korea, from 17th through 22nd August, where the 17th
IPSA World Conference was held. I met there some of my old friends
from all over the world. I got some new e-mail addresses of friends
with whom I can now talk through internet. I'm very happy to meet you