Visiting Professor Emeritus from "Global Netizen College"
Rob Steven

[A Report from Sydney] On Tuesday
5 June, 2001, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School
of Politics and International Relations, UNSW, held a memorial
tribute to A/Prof. Rob Steven. The tribute took the form of a party
since Rob loved a party. It was not however a joyous occasion but a
time when people gathered together to remember Rob and lament his
untimely passing.
The tribute brought together colleaques from across UNSW and other
universities as well as students. Some shared stories of times
together whilst other remembered Rob for his love of parties, intense
debate and enthusiasm for his work and students.
The faculty announced an annual symposium in Rob's honour to be
held around May/June each year. Details of the symposium are still to
be finalised but it is sure to be followed by participants continuing
their debate over a few beers or red wine just as Rob liked to do. He
is sorely missed.
Dear Friends,
It is my deep grief that I have to inform you the death of our
Visiting Professor Dr. Rob Steven. I have just received the sad news
from our common student Rowena Ward. She said,
- Dear Kato-sensei!
- It is with great sadness that I notify you that Rob Steven
passed away peacefully in his sleep last Wednesday (18/4/2001).
The funeral will be tomorrow. There will also be a memorial
service at UNSW sometime soon. He has asked that a donation be
given in his memory to The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund.
I have sent my mail to his wife, Dr. Vanessa
Farrer<>. It says,
- It is with the profoundest grief that I read the death of your
husband, Dr. Rob Steven, in the mail from our common student,
Rowena Ward, and I would like to extend my hearty sympathy.
- Since our first meeting in 1986, I have always admired Rob's
honesty and high standards of academic conduct, and the courage he
showed in his last illness, was only what one would have expected
from his uprightness.
- On April 19, just after the eternal sleep of Rob Steven, I
introduced his last article on Japanese Capitalism to the
attendants of International Conference on East Asian Development
at Tunghai University, Taiwan. When I touched on the serious
illness of the author (Rob Steven) in my presentation, all of the
attendants, including Bob Jessop (University of Lancaster , UK),
Robert Boyer (CEPREMAP, France), Alan Smart(University of Calgary,
Canada) , Jenn-hwan Wang (Tunghai University, Taiwan), expressed
their heartfelt sympathy.
- I hope that it will help to console you to know that all of
Japanese who came into contact with Dr. Rob Steven will long
cherish his memory.
- Yours sincerely,
- Prof. Tetsuro KATO
- Graduate School of Social Sciences,
- Hitotsubashi University,
- Tokyo 186-8601 JAPAN
Dr. Rob Steven
- Born in South Africa 1944.
- Prior to appointment at UNSW(The University of New South
Wales) in 1992, his research focused mainly on Japan, in
particular its class structure and its employment system.
- At UNSW, his research has centred on Japanユs international
political economic relations, especially with Asia. He has been
researching Japanese industry policy and the 1990s recession;
Japanese political economic relations with Australia; theories of
imperialism and the new world order; and Japanユs foreign policy
towards Asia.
- Previous appointment at the University of Canterbury, in New
- BA (Rhodes) BA (Oxon.)
- Ph.D. (British Columbia)
Selected Publications
Japan and the New World Order: Global Investments, Trade and
Finance (London: Macmillan, 1996).
An International Debate: Is Japanese Management Post-Fordism?
ed. and trans. with Kato Tetsuro (Tokyo: Madosha, 1992).
Japan's New Imperialism (London: Macmillan, 1990).
Classes in Contemporary Japan (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1983).
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