KATO Tetsuro's Global Netizen College, International Exchange Center, Tokyo, JAPAN

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Do You Know "Shigeki SAKIMURA", the first Japanese who attempted to join the United Nations in 1943-1944 in Sweden and worked against the Nazi-Japan Axis with W.Brandt, G.Myrdal, B.Kreisky etc. in "Stockholm Little International"?

April. 1, 2010 I retired Hitotsubashi University in March 2010 and now concentrate my work on research and this web university, "Netizen College." I become Visiting Professor of Waseda University (Graduate School of Political Science) and Professor Emeritus from Hitotsubashi University, but my office now is my own home (Tokura 2-16-41, Kokubunji, Tokyo 185-0003, JAPAN; phone +81-42-327-9261). My mail address is the same as before: katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp. 
Aug. 1, 2009My essay below,
[The Politics of Pandemic in Mexico and Japan] was translated into Spanish, and was published in the "Bulletnin CEAA"Mayo,2009 at El Colegio de Mexico, as 'Politicas de la pandemia en Mexico y Japan.'  To study of the life Shigeki SAKIMURA (1909-82), especially on the assassination case against Mao Zedong("The Time", Aug.27,1951), I have to search for a huge amount of declassified FBI/ CIA/MIS documents of the Interagency Working Group (IWG) at NARA in USA. In the process, our team found important historical documents to probe the close connection of the Japanese government with the US- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the early 1950s, just after the independence of postwar Japan. It was reported as the Top news of "Mainich Shinbun" newspaper on July 26 and was translated into English on "The Daily Mainichi" July 27, 2009, as follows.

Declassified CIA documents reveal plan to elect U.S. sympathizer as PM following occupation (The Daily Mainich, July 27, 2009)

Click here for the original Japanese story (Mainichi Japan) July 26, 2009

March 23, 2009 I am now staying in Mexico City as a visiting Professor at El Colegio de Mexico. I will live in Mexixo until the end of May. But I still search for "Shigeki Sakimura" in Germany, Sweden and China. If you have any information on his activity, please let me know by e-mail to

April 2, 2008One surprised news about Shigeki SAKIMURA came from a Japanese researcher on Willy Brandt, a famous postwar SPD leader, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany1969-1974, and the 1971 Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize. Brandt was born in Luebeck, Germany, in December 1913. He worked In 1937 in Spain as a political observer and representative of humanitarian relief organisations. In 1938 he was expatriated by Hitler's government. In 1940, after the German occupation of Norway, he was captured, but not identified. Released as a Norwegian, he fled to Sweden. Until 1945 he lived in Stockholm. In 1944, he met Shigeki SAKIMURA , and left a sentance memoir of "A Young Japanese who worked at the Japanese Embassy in Germany" and attended his anti- Nazi group in Stockholm.

In his autobiography "Links und frei: Mein Weg 1930-1950"(Hoffmann und Campe, 1982), he refered to the "Kleine Internationale (Little International) " in Stockholm 1943-1945. To this anti-Nazi social democratic group belonged, not only Willy Brandt and his close Austrian friend Bruno Kreisky (later Chancellor of Austria), but also many emigre intellectuals and activists in Stockholm from Norway (Lars Evensen, Inge Scheflo), Denmark (Henry Grunbaum), Finnland, Poland (Anwalt Maurycy Karniol), Hungary (Wilhelm Bohm), Germany (Fritz Tarnow, Stefan Szende), Austria (Bruno Kreisky, Ernst Paul), France, Island, Czecho, Spain, Palestina, Britain and USA (Victor Sjaholm), and of course Swedish Sosialists. The representative of Swedish socialists in this group was Gunner and Alva Myrdal, later Nobel Priza Winner couple in Economics and in Peace, and Myrdal circle (Richard Sterner, Ole Jodal, Torsten Nilsson etc.). They discussed the hope of postwar peace in Europe, new design of postwar economic order, and international solidarity of world-wide social democracy.

Willy Brandt said in the page 341 (image) of his autobiography"Links und frei: Mein Weg 1930-1950", "One young Japanese, who escaped from the Japanese Embassy in Berlin and shelterd in a Stockholm hospital, visited our group. But he was soon brought back to Berlin . Probably he might face to a tragic end." This "young Japanese" was surely Shigeki SAKIMURA, and he could live through to the postwar perod in China and Japan. This is only one testimony that Shigeki SAKIMURA was once in the "Stockholm Little International" with Willy Brandt, Bruno Kreisky and Gunner Myrdal . If someone know on this "Stockholm Little International", please send me the information to katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp . It is a wonderful information for our study on "Shigeki SAKIMURA".

Jan. 1, 2008 After my fieldwork in Sweden and Germany in 2007, I published an article "Emigre Intellectuals in the war of Information : From Teido KUNIZAKI to Shigeki SAKIMURA" in a Japanese journal "INTELLIGENCE", No.9 (Nov.2007), Regretfully, it is in Japanese. About Dr. Teido KUNIZAKI, you can see it in my article Personal Contacts in German--Japanese Cultural Relations during the 1920s and Early 1930s , in, "Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945  War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion" (Edited by: Christian W. Spang, Rolf-Harald Wippich , Routledge 2006, and in an interesting site "Executed Todau.Com." On Shigeki Sakimura, please see New York Times" May 1, 1944 and " Time", June 5 1944.

July. 5, 2007 About Shigeki SAKIMURA's exile 1943-1944 from Germany to Sweden, we now have a German book, " Karena Niehoff. Feuilletgonistin und Kritikerin. Mit Aufsaetzen und Kritikenm von Karena Niehoff und einem Essay von Joerg Becker.(FILM & SCHRIFT, Band 4. Muenchen ,Verlag edition text + kritik, January 2007).According to this book, SAKIMURA employed a Jewish girl Ka rena Niehoff as an assistant of his work at the Berlin Branch of Japanese Iron and Steel Industrial Association, when he published a German book "Neuordnung der japanischen Wirtschaft"(1942). When Ka rena Niehoff was arrested in February 1943 as a half Jew, Sakimura wrote a petition to the German Court for her release from the jail and was thereafter watched by Nazi-GESTAPO. The real reason of his emigre to Sweden is still unclear. He went to Stockholm at the end of September 1943, entered a hospital from the end of 1943, lived in Korsbarsvagen 6, Stockholm, and would not return to Berlin. Probably he was helped by the Swedish anti-Hitler intellectual group, organized by Prof. Torsten Gardlund of Stockholm Economic University, and contacted with Prof.Franz Mockrauer, an exiled SPD scholar who had Sakimura's German draft paper "Die Berufsausbildung der Jugend im nazistischen Deutschland". His words interviewed by the New York Times corrspondent George Axelsson might be true from his honest feeling. But the Japanese Embassy in Stockholm, major general Makoto Onodera,and the Japanese ambassador Hiroshi Ohshima in Berlin, could not allow such an open statement against the German-Japan Axis by a Japanese scholar. He was threatened about the safety of his family in Japan, had to return to Germany, and arrested by Shozo Sato, the Japanese secret police in Berlin. Japanese Embassy confined and watched him in a house in a suburb of Berlin, Bernau-Eichwerder. Frits Reuterstrasse 7, bei Frau Paul, and separated from other Japanese and German friends. In May 1945, when Hitler's Germany was defeated, he was informed to return through the Siberian railway to Japan, where the war still continued.

By an official report of Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Shigeki Sakimura escaped from other 182 Japanese group in Berlin in May 1945, and became missing. Actually, according to his later talk to his son after his return to Japan in 1955, he entered in Changchun in China in September 1945. But the route and the sponsor of his escape travel from Germany to China is still unknown. He never talked the detail and kept secret about his foreign life even after he became a university Professer again in 1956. According to his son's memory, Shigeki Saklimura was employed as an interpreter by the American Consulate in Changchun in 1946 (he could speak Japanese, Chinese, English, German, French, Russian, and Swedish !), soon mooved to the Beijing's American Consulate. The American Consulate moved to Taiwan when the new communist government of China was established in September 1949. But Shigeki Sakimura still remained in Beijing and sent some economic information to the US Department of State. According to the new Chinese book "Anti-Spionage Activities in Beijing at the begining of Communist Chine"(March 2006), Sakimura was arrested by the Chinese secret police under the charge of an "economic spy of USA" with his Japanese assistant Takeshi Misawa, just the same time of the arrest of seven "assassination group against Mao Zedong". He got five year's imprisonment by this charge, who informed price of foods and living goods in Beijing's market at the time of the Korean War. We still do not know if this unbelievable story is true.

Nov. 1, 2006 I am now searching for a secret peace action by one Japanese in Nazis-Germany.

His name is Shigeki SAKIMURA (1909-82), who graduated Tokyo University in 1932, became research assistant and lecturer of the Department of Economics at the Imperial University of Tokyo. He was sent to Germany as an attach of the Japanese Embassy in Berlin in 1941. He published one German book "Neuordnung der japanischen Wirtschaft" in 1942. But at the end of 1943, he went from Germany to Sweden, and probably contacted the American OSS (Office of Strategic Services) to inform the real situation of German war industry and to ask the possibility of his own exile. " New York Times" May 1, 1944 reported him as " the first Japanese of any note to attempt to join the United Nations, the first to admit openly that the Axis cannot win the war", and " Time", June 5 1944 published the "Foreign News: Way of a Rebel." It said, "Shigeki Sakimura was one of the submerged, and now forgotten, intellectuals of Japan. As a student he explored the social sciences, brooded over his country's oligarchic economy, dallied with Marxism. At 30, the hardworking, high-strung scholar became a full professor. Two years later, in 1941, his Government sent him to Berlin as Embassy attach, to study German heavy industry. Slight, bespectacled Professor Sakimura poked around the Reich, peered critically into factories pumping out iron, steel, light metals, chemicals and other vitals of war". Although his hope of "Exile" to Sweden was not clear, he could not stay long in Stockholm and returned to Berlin in June 1944. Some secret documents of the OSS support the fact reported by American journalists at the time. He was forced to go back to Berlin, probably by Nazi-Gestapo and Japanese Embassy in March 26, just before the famous Assassination Attempts on Hitler on July 20,1944.

After the collapse of Hitler's Germany, he did not return to Japan. It was mysterous, because almost all Japanese in Europe at the time went back to Japan by Trans- Siberian Railway. He entered in China, where he worked as an information adviser of the American Consular Office in Beijing, probably under the control of OSS (from 1947, CIA). In 1950, one year after the Mao Zedong's socialist revolution, he suddenly arrested by Chinese secret police as a member of assassination group against Mao Zedong("The Time", Aug.27,1951), together with one Japanese (Ryuichi Yamaguchi), three Italians (Antonio Riva, Tarcisio Martina, Quirino Victor Lucy Gerli), one French (Henri Vetch) and one German (Walter Genthner). He was probably in Chinese jail 1950-1955, but could go back to Japan in 1955. Thereafter, he worked as a professor of economics at Takushoku University, Tokyo. As he could not speak about his life in Germany, Sweden and in China, even his family do not know his political actions during these years in detail . I am now looking for the documents of his anti-Hitler actions in Germany 1941-1945, Sweden 1943-44, and pro -American (anti-communist?) works in China 1945-55.

If someone know about him or the documents concerned, please let me know !

Oct. 15, 2006A New English File,Kato Tetsuro (Hitotsubashi University/ Tokyo):Personal Contacts in German--Japanese Cultural Relations during the 1920s and Early 1930s , in, "Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945  War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion" (Edited by: Christian W. Spang, Rolf-Harald Wippich , Routledge 2006(Internet version) is updated. But this is not the printed version, but the digital version of the first draft without table,note, or full reference. If you would like to read or cite exactly, please read Routledge book.
Personal Contacts in German--Japanese Cultural Relations during the 1920s and Early 1930s , in, "Japanese-German Relations, 1895-1945  War, Diplomacy and Public Opinion" (Edited by: Christian W. Spang, Rolf-Harald Wippich , Routledge 2006(Internet version)


E-mail to: katote@ff.iij4u.or.jp



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