For the eternal Memories of Prof. Mikhail Masaovich Sudo
(Sudo's family visited Japan in April 2009 when I was in
† On November 22, 2010, Prof. Mikhail Masaovich Sudo, the son of
Masao Sudo who was killed by the Stalinist terror in 1937, died in
Moscow, Russia at the age of 78.Prof. Mikhail SUDO was the most
valuable supporter to our research of the Stalinist purge of Japanese
in the 1930s in USSR. Without his own experience and his help, we
could not find over ten families and relatives of Japanese victims in
Japan. We thank him very much for his devotion to find Japanese
† He learned Japanese after he found his father's records at the
KGB archives, and became a teacher of Japanese language school in
Moscow. He also edited a textbook and a dictionally of Japanese
of Prof. Mikhail Masaovich
SUDO(安井亮平訳、ミハイル・スドー著「私はモスクワで銃殺されたーー『日本国酔夢譚』より」長縄光男・沢田和彦編『異郷に生きる 在日ロシア人の足跡』成文社、2001)
Japanese Victims of Stalinist Terror in the USSR,Hitotsubashi
Journal of Social Studies,No.32, No.1, July
KATO on Masao SUDOand Mikhail SUDO: How could I found Mikhail SUSO as
the son of Masao SUDO

† Tetsuro KATO on Masao SUDO
Shinbun「朝日新聞報道」, when we met in Moscow on Aug. 19, 2006